Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1752: Concubine Xianliang 38


Xu Qingming looked at her, smiled instead of anger, and even clumped his palms.

"Okay, okay, what I said is really good! Come on, let's go outside and let people judge... Who is the black heart! Originally you confided my marriage and gave it to Wang Wanlian. The dowry my father gave me was also given to Wang Wanlian... In the end he asked me to be a concubine for someone. What kind of things, you are not something that you did not only do it because of your heart!? Fortunately, my uncle, they adopted me, otherwise. There, I don’t know what life is being lived!"

Xu Qingming glanced at her coldly, and then said, "Now we are looking at our side, there is a shop, and I feel that my daughter, who didn’t have a penny, went out. It’s a bit of a waste. Actually, I regret it very much now, she should. I want some money."

Xu's mother turned red and white when she heard what Xu Qingming said, and finally she retorted, "What are you talking nonsense!?"

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, Li Cuilian couldn't help it, and rushed directly to Xu's mother, and her finger pointed directly to Xu's face.

Xu's mother was also timid.

She's a slap, but she's making a fuss out, and she's not pretty, after all, she doesn't have any reason.

This small city is so big, and the things she did are well known throughout the city.

The only blame is that they didn't ask for money from them in the first place.

"Are you staying here because of me? I still feel sick when I see you!"

Even if Xu's mother was uneasy inside, she still said such a word very hard at this time, and then quickly turned and left.

Xu's mother left, and Xu Changsheng sat down.

"I really don't know the so-called!"

"Qingming... good boy, don't be angry!"

Li Cuilian was also dizzy with anger. She took two deep breaths and walked to Xu Qingming's again, put her hand on her body, and patted her.

"I'm not angry!"

Xu Qingming smiled and shook his head.

Xu's mother is really a killer.

Okay, don't you jealous when you see that they have a shop?

After that, she wants to make this shop prosperous, and every day, she will have to see if she still suffers from red eyes.

"Mother, I'm going to cook later, and you and Dad will rest here first!"

After saying this, Xu Qingming walked towards the back.

"Qing Ming——"

Li Cuilian wanted to catch up, but Xu Changsheng screamed.

"You leave the child alone to be quiet!"

Such a good child, but with such a superb mother, how can he feel comfortable in his heart.


Li Cuilian didn't go forward anymore, she also walked up to Xu Changsheng's, and sat down.

Even if he came to Qingming's side, it seemed to be difficult to say something.

On the other side, Xu Mu hummed out the door, and as soon as he turned the corner, he met Wang Wanlian.

"Mother, what's the matter!?"

As soon as Wang Wanlian saw the look of Xu's mother now, he had already guessed that Xu's mother must have hit the nail on that side.

Hey, I also blame myself for not thinking about it before.

Otherwise, now, the money for this shop must be her money.

Thinking of this, Wang Wanlian was vomiting blood in various ways.

Especially when she just hid behind this and watched Xu Qingming walk in, the clothes she wore were much better than those she wore.