Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1753: Concubine Xianliang 39

There is also a silk flower on her head, and there are two silver hairpins on her head.

Obviously at home, Xu Qingming was wearing his leftover clothes. At this time, he was dressed so well, especially his face, which was also very beautiful.

"Don't mention it, I'm going to stop getting angry!"

When Xu's mother remembered what had just happened, her face turned red in an instant.

Hey, I think I don’t have that daughter anyway.

"Mother, don't be angry. It's not worth it to get angry for that kind of person! Don't you still have me?"

Wang Wanlian looked at Xu's mother with a smile again, and stretched out her hand, holding Xu's wrist by her wrist.

"Well, I know."

Mother Xu looked at Wang Wanlian, who was extremely well-behaved in front of her, and her anger in her heart was much less.

Wang Wanlian saw that Xu's mother didn't continue nagging, so she let her heart go.

Think about this Xu's mother, it is really useless.

I squeezed her into the door and wanted to exchange the storefront. I didn't care if it was unsuccessful. She was scolded like this. It's not a waste. What is it?

Xu Qingming had just prepared the meal and brought it out, and saw that the bowl seller had already brought the deep bowl.

Xu Changsheng checked, gave the money, and closed the door.

The family sat together and had a meal.

Because Xu's mother had come to adjust the boring life before, the mood of several people was not very good.

Looking at them, they both looked very depressed.

"Daddy and mother, we are a family now, so we don’t have to be in a bad mood for those unimportant people! She is a greedy person. Seeing our life is going well, she is jealous... She is jealous anyway. Now, let's make life better, make her jealous and vomit to death!"

While Xu Qingming smiled and said, she held chopsticks and held vegetables for the two of them.

"Qingming, you are really not uncomfortable!?"

Liu Cuilian looked at Qingming and couldn't help but asked aloud.

"How can it not be uncomfortable! But that is the same as before. She has done so many things that poke people's hearts. Even if my heart is made of iron, it is now being pricked. But now, I have adopted it. With you, we are now a family, and my heart...I have one again. From now on, our family will live happily, and never get angry for irrelevant people."


Upon hearing what Qing Ming said, Li Cuilian and Xu Changsheng said this in unison.

"Then eat!"

Xu Qingming smiled and looked at them.

Since everything has been opened up, it is very easy for the whole family to eat at this time.

Days passed day by day.

The storefront at home is almost completely renovated.

Although many things have not been changed, due to Xu Qingming's careful thoughts, this shop has also become completely new.

The shop also has a simple name called Xujia Pianertang.

I also specially made a plaque. The words on the plaque were written by Lu Ziyao.

In the past few days, I have been going to the market to buy vegetables, once they are raw and twice cooked, not to mention that they have been three times.

What is already familiar can't be familiar anymore, haha.