Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1951: My home is in Hehuanzong 13

There was muddy under the feet.

A deep foot and a shallow foot, you thought it was stepping on the soil, but it has a strong smell of blood.

The light in this cave is very dim.

But fortunately, Qing Ming is a cultivator. Although there is incomparable darkness inside, she still sees everything in front of her clearly.

On the surrounding stone walls, there were cracks and then moss growing across it.

What makes people feel weird is that there are traces of blood in these moss.

Some are dry, some are fresh.

On the moss-covered stone wall, these bloodstains lay across, forming a weird pattern.

As I walked, the mud under my feet obviously disappeared.

The more you go, the more dry you get to the feet is very light.


Qing Ming looked down and found that he had broken a bone.

It’s okay not to look at the ground, but to look at the ground, it feels terrible.

There are so many bones on the ground!

Looking at the degree of fragmentation of these bones, it seemed that someone had entered this cave.

In the nose, there is a rotten breath.

The foot is also crunchy and crunchy, and it feels uncomfortable for a while.

But these are not difficult things for Qingming, after all, she has experienced so many, these are actually nothing.

Feiqing, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Qing Ming asked him.

"Have you noticed what sound is there?"

Fei Qing asked aloud.

Hearing what Fei Qing said, Qing Ming also stopped and listened carefully.

Sure enough, some noises were heard.

There was a rustle, and there was a woman's groan-groan.

Hearing this, Qing Ming understood it, and suddenly thought of something.

"Let's go and see!"

Feiqing was curious, and cautiously walked towards the place where the sound was made.

Seeing him moving forward courageously, it was useless to know how he called him.

Then he walked towards the meeting with him.

This is actually a bifurcated road, the other side is the main road, but turning over here is a small bifurcation.

As soon as you turn in, it is a small cave.

The ground was covered with bones and looked very crippled.

But on this white bones, there are three men lying down.

The clothes on their bodies were all stripped off and thrown aside. Qingming swept around randomly, as if they belonged to three different schools.

The three of them are stuck together, and it can be seen that there is still a graceful body in the middle of the three of them.

She is in the center, her body twisting constantly.

The look on her face was very pleasant, and her mouth opened slightly, also with silent charm.

Even the air here is filled with a sweet and greasy fragrance.

The decomposing corpses or bones around them all bloomed with flowers after this scent, which is really weird for people to watch.

"Let's go!"

Qing Ming whispered in Feiqing's ear.

It seemed that Xia Wushuang had already arrived here, just because of these three men.

She had to absorb all the essence of these three men first.

"This is fun!"

What Fei Qing saw was a relish.


Qingming sweats profusely, what's so funny about this, is he an idiot?

But also, he probably wouldn't know what this is doing.

The more I look at it, the more interesting it becomes.