Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1969: My home is in Hehuan Sect 31

He spread the treasures in the storage ring on the ground.

In an instant, the golden light gleamed in this partial hall.

Rao was so happy and angered in April, at this time, the expression on his face was also dazed for a few seconds.

"Sister Qingming... You said you got two spirit-pets in the secret realm, and a lot of treasures?"

Asked tenderly.

This person is really maddening than a person.

She got a magic secret in the secret realm, which is not something she can learn.

"and this!"

With that said, Qing Ming took out his medicine box again.

She just revealed the box for a while, and the herbal aroma in it diffused out.

"Xia Wushuang harmed me and hit me with that ice-blue fire. It was a blessing in disguise. I also had my own pill fire. So when I saw these herbs, I picked them all, and then I wanted to make alchemy!"

When he said this, Qing Ming looked towards Meng Wanyang.

There was no expression on Meng Wanyang's face.

"Qingming, I feel that everything you went to the secret realm this time has been emptied!"

Looking at Qing Ming with tenderness, he really fell on the ground.

"Among these things, I only need the alchemy book, the alchemy cauldron, and an agarwood sword. The other things, senior sisters, choose...throw the unnecessary ones into the warehouse!"

As Qing Ming said, he waved his hand to pick out all the things he needed, and put them aside.


April asked for instructions and glanced at Meng Wanyang.

"Just do as Qingming said!"

Meng Wanyang nodded slightly and nodded in agreement.

Soon under the allocation in April, all of them got something, and the rest of April was put in the storage bag.

The ground became clean again.

April glanced at Qingming, who was standing in front of him, and suddenly felt that she had changed a lot this time when she came back to the secret realm. She should have experienced death in the secret realm.

She was talking about the calmness of the clouds, but she usually believed in Xia Wushuang so much. This time she was deceived so much. In her heart, if she was not sad, it would definitely be impossible.

It seemed that the things Xia Wushuang did this time, perhaps, really were a turning point for Qingming.

April glanced at Meng Wanyang again, her eyes flashed with clarity.

"Master, let's regulate these things!"

After saying these words in April, Qing Tu and the others nodded their heads, and looked at Qing Ming's tenderness with a look of admiration.

After they left, in the partial hall, they just stood Qingming and Meng Wanyang.

"You want to learn alchemy, is it for me?"

At the corner of Meng Wanyang's mouth, there was a small smile.


Qing Ming nodded.

The original owner has always been worried about it, and she regrets it very much. It is because of her selfishness that Meng Wanyang not only failed to practice successfully, but fell.

"You study hard, I'm still waiting to take your pill."

The smile on Meng Wanyang's lips deepened.

Her child has finally grown up.

"Then I will go back to practice first!"

After Qingming finished speaking, he bowed and left.

Meng Wanyang looked at her figure, her eyes gradually became complicated.

Not knowing what she was thinking, she got up from the beauty couch with a smile on her lips.