Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1971: My home is in Hehuanzong 33

She could feel that they all had no cultivation base, and they should be the mortals who were picked up and could not cultivate without spiritual roots.

"These things are for you!"

With that said, Qing Ming gave the jewellery box that he had previously tenderly given to someone casually.

She didn't stop her steps, and she walked to her bedroom.

As soon as she walked in, the door was closed behind.

Qingming sat on the large bed, and she saw that there were others standing outside.

Having been sitting on the bed, she was looking at the sleeping hall again. The place where she lived was probably the best in the He Huan Sect.

This is like a place for a cultivator who has no desires and no desires.

It was almost the same as the inner courtyards of the palaces she had seen before.

Sitting on the bed, Qing Ming closed his eyes and began to practice.

There is no time for cultivating immortals. After practicing for some time, she took out the cauldron for alchemy.

After looking at the alchemy book for a while, he followed the alchemy book to learn alchemy.

Probably in the body, there is a relationship of spirit and fire, plus the relationship of one's own spiritual roots.

The first batch I just got out is very good, and each one is a top-grade pill.

Soon, Qing Ming practiced all the prescriptions on this pill book.

This pill book was found in the secret realm, and the pill in it was some magical pill.

Fortunately, the box in Qingming basically contained a lot of herbs.

On the contrary, some common herbs, she didn't have them.

After practicing all the contents on the alchemy book, Qing Ming plans to practice the Zeng Yuan Dan.

However, this Zengyuan Pill is good. To refine this pill requires ten kinds of medicinal materials. Except for one of the simplest and most ubiquitous pill, Qianqiancao.

Qingming planned to go to the Qiuhua Pavilion to ask for some Qianqiancao, and by the way, send all the pills in his hand.

When I arrived at the Qiuhua Pavilion, I saw people running out of that room from a distance.

Seeing that they were approaching, those people all knelt down tremblingly.

"See Young Master!"

Shouted such a sentence in unison.

"Get up all! Everyone is the same, don't give this big gift in the future!"

Qing Ming quickly helped the middle-aged woman kneeling in front of her, and looked at her attire, which should be the in charge of here.

"Young Master, do you need any medicinal pills this time?"

This woman was helped by him, quite flattered,

However, she was still trembling, and every time the young master came, she would come to get the pill.

Originally, the young master was still pretty good, and since a girl came to the young master, the young master had to come to go to the pill.

She has persuaded the young master several times. At the beginning of this cultivation, it is still a healthy cultivation, all relying on the pill, the foundation will be unstable.

But the young master doesn't sound good.

Thinking about it, she glanced at Qing Ming's body again and saw that her cultivation base was already in the foundation stage.

Having been through it for so many years, it was only the initial cultivation base of the foundation.

Qingming naturally noticed the look in her eyes, and she walked towards the hall.

"I need some Qianqian grass."

The woman followed suit step by step.

When he got inside, Qingming stopped, and put the pill he had made in the past few days on the table.

"This is the pill I refined."