Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1972: My home is in Hehuanzong 34


When the woman heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

When did the young master start alchemy?

This casually refined pill will kill you if you eat it.

With that said, she walked to Qingming again, picked up the small jade bottle on the table, and opened it.

"Yi Rong Dan top grade!"

She first smelled the rich aroma inside, and then saw the fineness inside, she shouted in surprise.

She carefully closed the bottle and opened the other bottle.

"Qingxin Pill, top grade!"

She opened the bottle, and then she let out a scream of surprise.

"Young this all done by you?"

Her lips trembled, and her words were beginning to be unclear.


Qingming agreed. She was originally looking at the cabinet with herbs on one side. When she turned around, she saw all of them excited.

"Little Lord--"

She grabbed Qingming's hand very excited again.

"Please give me some beautiful herbs."

Having stayed here for a long time, Qing Ming once again explained his intentions.

"Young Master, you go back first, I'll let someone send you Qianqiancao."

She patted her breasts, slapped her tickets.

"Okay, then I'll wait!"

Qing Ming nodded and went out.

"Hurry up and get a basket of Qianqian grass for the young master!"

The woman quickly ordered the disciples who were standing and watching.

This Qianqian grass is the most common herbal medicine, and it grows in a wide range of places. It is not a disciple of cultivating immortals, but it can also be picked.


When the disciple heard it, he responded clearly, and turned his head to get some herbs.


Her hand stretched out again and shook it in the air.


The disciple was puzzled, and stood there again, staring at her with wide-open eyes.

"Go and prepare five baskets!"

She thought about it, Young Master has a talent for alchemy, and if this herb is needed, it is of great use.


The disciple nodded, almost just about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

She yelled again.

Fortunately, the disciple still stood still and didn't move.

"Go and install a car!"


Qingming walked out of Qiuhua Pavilion, and suddenly sensed that Hei Claw and them were beside him.

She immediately sacrificed the flying sword, and people stood on it and flew towards the place that was induced.

When I flew to the front, I found two things, they were sleeping under a tree.

Looking at the expressions of these two guys, they were full of food and drink.

At the moment, she opened the animal bag, threw them all away and went.

After solving the two of them, the sword flew to his palace again.

As soon as I got down from the sky, I saw that everyone had carried the Qianqian grass, basket by basket, from the car.

Looking at the haystack-like Qianqiancao, Qingming couldn't help but laugh. The person in charge must be a lover of personality.

Qingming turned around and walked to his room with a basket of Flourish Herbs in his hand.

Continue alchemy!

But this time, it was not as smooth as the previous alchemy, not to mention abolished alchemy, there was no one lower than the high-grade alchemy.

However, the pill that is being refined now is basically abolished, which makes Qingming and his not calm.

Although it was not the first time to enter the Xiu Xian interface, this one really didn't understand at all.