Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2113: Fall in love with the taste of the chef

But just about to stand up, I felt dizzy for a while.

There was no way, she had to sit and rest like this.

She was really not afraid of competition just for cooking.

Just don't make some conspiracies with him, it's all right.

Zheng Qingming closed his eyes again and rested.

Soon, the girl came again.

"I've done it, I'm separated from you, I am the 10th, and you are the 11th, in my next call!"

After saying this, she also sat down beside her.

Zheng Qingming closed his eyes and ignored her.

After a long time, she said again, "How long will it take before the competition begins!"

The girl looked at the watch on her wrist, and then said, "There is still half an hour!"

Probably after taking the medicine, Zheng Qingming also felt a lot more comfortable.

She stood up, planning to go to the toilet and pass the plot.

This hazy feeling of unknown truth is actually quite bad.

"Where are you going!"

Seeing Zheng Qingming stand up, the girl yelled again.

Seeing Zheng Qingming ignored her, she shrugged again, feeling indifferent at all.

"Heh... let's go, let's go! It's okay if you can't participate in the competition!"

Zheng Qingming walked to the toilet, washed his face on the sink, and suddenly felt refreshed.

The toilet is very quiet, after all, it is a super five-star hotel toilet, very clean, and there is a little fruity fragrance in the air.

She reached the last frame, walked in, and lifted the lid off.

Zheng Qingming sat on it, closed his eyes, and went to absorb the plot.

The original owner is Zheng Qingming.

Is a culinary family, in the family, has always been a cook.

It's not the kind of little-known cooks, it is said that the ancestors used to cook imperial cooks.

With this reputation, the Zheng family's restaurant business is very good, and many chain stores have been opened.

But the good times didn't last long. The original good shop collapsed in an instant.

Because in a shop, one person was eaten to death.

It was later found out that it was not food poisoning.

It should be fine inside the restaurant, but I don't know who is spreading it outside, saying that there is a problem with their dishes.

Sometimes, when you open a restaurant, you just can't have such a bad reputation.

Slowly, the restaurant also fell into decline.

The Zheng family also became decayed. Later, the family felt that things could not be settled just like that.

Later, I heard that there was a competition. Participating in it was not only a huge prize money, but also a reputation.

People in the Zheng family feel that this is a hope for them.

As a result, all the children, except Zheng Qingming, who was in college, bought air tickets to participate in the competition.

The plane had an air crash.

It seems that overnight, Zheng Qingming's family disappeared.

Three generations were living in the same house, but now she is the only one left.

The family has a single pass, and her mother grew up in a welfare institution.

Therefore, Zheng Qingming became helpless again.

Although he is already eighteen years old, it is usually the same as growing up in a honeypot.

I just don't know what it's like to be sad, and everyone around me is dead and helpless.

There are no relatives in the family.

At this time, her father's good friend, the Koreans, extended a helping hand.