Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2165: In love with the taste of the chef 55

At night, she went into the TV station and recorded the show.

This show has a very 6-named name, which is called the Little Master of Cooking.

With the three of them, there is Su Yu.

The four of them are randomly combined every day and compete together.

Finally, let the judges of the public begin to taste, whose dishes are more delicious.

The side that gets the delicious brand is the side that wins.

Everyone wore the same white chef's uniform with tall hats on their heads. ,

"Dangdangdang—Cooking Master, today’s first issue, I will meet you all! At the scene, there is our Michelin three-star chef Su Yu, and in the previous culinary competition, the top three...Zheng Qingming, Wei The wind and Han Moli..."

The host Barabala introduced to the audience at the beginning, and Zheng Qingming and others also appeared one by one.

They stand there, waiting for the draw to match.

Soon, she got a pair with Su Yu, and Wei Feng was with Han Moli.

A trace of regret flashed through Han Moli's eyes, but nothing showed on her face.

She looked at Zheng Qingming and Su Yu. Although there was not much communication between them, she already knew that they must be together by looking at the eye contact between them.

Thinking of this possibility, Han Moli's face also paled a little.

Wei Feng, who was with Han Moli's team, looked ugly.

Obviously, he didn't want to team up with Han Moli.

Originally, he would not participate in this kind of silly X show of grandstanding-pet-but he wanted to communicate with Qingming a lot in the future.

So here comes, who knows that this first issue is coming in a team with this kind of woman.

Wei Feng disliked Han Moli, who didn't know that Han Moli was also disgusting him.

Originally, her father would never allow her to participate in this show.

Dad was afraid that as soon as she participated, her cooking skills would be broken, and it would be very embarrassing.

In fact, she didn't want to participate, but when she thought of Su Yu's participation, she couldn't bear it, and finally came secretly to participate.

In short, I concealed it from my dad first, and let's talk about it after participating.

Unexpectedly, the luck is so bad, it turned out that this person worked together.

The teams are divided, the red team and the blue team.

The two teams each wore the color of the apron representing their team.

Although they are all in the same team, they still do their own dishes.

Only the final total score will still be played together.

Zheng Qingming and Su Yu are both red teams. The subject of this competition is called dumplings.

It is called dumplings, but it does not want to appear in the form of dumplings.

Hearing this, Zheng Qingming had an idea right now.

She found some seafood, some vegetables.

She carefully boiled a bowl of soup and put it in a white soup pot. She made another batter and poured it into the soup pot.

In an instant, there was a layer of white paste inside the soup pot.

She took another elder brother's decoration, and drew an ink painting on it.

She finished something and rang the bell directly.

At this time, the camcorder was facing her food, and it was clear on the big screen.

The people watching below were all dumbfounded.

It was done so quickly, and it was so beautiful and antique.