Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2173: In love with the taste of the chef 63

But Wei Feng is no longer there.

"what happened to you?"

Su Yu noticed that Zheng Qingming seemed to have some differences, and quickly took her hand again and asked aloud.

"I'm fine!"

Zheng Qingming retracted his gaze again and looked at Su Yu with a smile.

This is the ending of the little master of cooking, and because of Su Yu's marriage proposal, this show is also a perfect ending.

What's more, Su Yu is that kind of very high-value, Zheng Qingming is also a very popular person.

People who watch the show have a feeling of watching them together.

Many people sent strong blessings, and Zheng Qingming and Su Yu both accepted them.

It's finally their wedding day.

Wei Feng didn't come, and the bearded uncle said that Wei Feng went to Japan, saying that he wanted to learn cooking over there, so that he would be more refined.

When Wei Feng arrived, he still left behind for the wedding but as a gift.

It is a wood carving he made by hand. It is a handmade wood carving wind chime. It can be seen that the two people on it are her and Su Yu.

For Wei Feng, Zheng Qingming still feels a little guilty in his heart, but she can't do much.

After all, things are already happening, and she can't do anything.

I just hope that Wei Feng will meet him in Japan, his destiny.

Su Yu is really a person who can create surprises, because he said that the wedding ring is confidential, so she also saw her wedding ring when she was comparing the rings.

Su Yu held a ring and put it on her finger.

Her ring, there is a small spoon on the ring, um, yes!

The cooking spoon has a huge round diamond in the round part of the spoon.

"Like it?

Su Yu asked her again, raised her hand, and held it to her lips, and gently dropped a kiss on her finger with the ring.


Zheng Qingming answered with a smile, and took out the other ring from the box.

It was also a round ring on his finger, but there was a small shovel on it.

Well, yes, it's the little shovel for cooking.

The square of the small shovel happened to be a square diamond.

"The groom can kiss-kiss the bride!"

Su Yu held Zheng Qingming and dropped a kiss on her full lips.

"I disagree!"

At this moment, a sharp voice came from one side.

Everyone's eyes turned towards the vocalizer.

Zheng Qingming and Su Yu also looked in that direction at the same time.

I saw that Han Moli was also wearing a white wedding dress, and she was desperately trying to squeeze in. There were security guards on both sides of her.

"I disagree!"

Although she was far away, her voice was still very loud, and because she shouted too loudly, she became a little hoarse.

Han Moli yelled again. At this moment, she finally couldn't bear it. She was held up by the security guards on both sides and taken out.

For some reason, Han Moli was framed out at this time, and she did not continue to struggle.

She closed her eyes, her face even had a meaning called relief.

Han Moli's farce did not bring much to the wedding.

Perhaps, different people have different methods for the same thing.