Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2310: The first prostitute 5

"I heard that Lian'er girl has a superb piano skill and I don't know if I can play a piece."

King Jin asked sideways.


Feng Lian'er smiled slightly, stood up, walked to the side, took the guzheng in the girl's hand, and began to move.

While playing, she looked at King Jin as if there was nothing in her eyes.

After all, after passing through so many interfaces, acting skills are naturally no longer a word, let alone passing through the He Huan Sect, the kind of charm in it is naturally no longer a word.

Feng Lian'er finished this song, and King Jin's heart really fell on her.


At this time, there was a burst of noise from downstairs.

There were still people, shouting loudly.

"How is it down here?"

King Jin asked aloud.

"Report to the prince that our performance in Tianxianlou has begun."

The little girl who was serving on the side said quickly.

"Master, I heard that the performance here is very good!"

The person on one side said softly again.

"If that's the case, then go take a look!"

King Jin stood up, he glanced at Feng Lian'er who was standing beside him again, and stretched out his hand to take her.

Feng Lian'er smiled lightly and walked out with him.

The group of people walked downstairs. As soon as the old bustard saw that King Jin had come down, he quickly made a table in the middle and let King Jin and the others sit down.

Then she saw that Feng Lian'er waited until King Jin liked it again, and narrowed her eyes with a smile.

I had known for a long time that Feng Lian'er had two brushes, but he didn't expect that he would still get into King Jin's eyes like this.

The old bustard smiled and brought food and drinks to him.

At this time, the crowd cheered even louder.

"Xiangxuehai, Xiangxuehai!"

After a while, someone patted the table.

At this moment, there was a sound of piano on the stage. This piano tone was ethereal and misty, like a fairy music.

The lights on the stage have also dimmed.

At the top of the stage, petals also began to float.

Everything looks so beautiful, especially these petals, with some sweet fragrance.

Everyone stared at the stage intently.

At this time, from a high altitude, a person slowly descended.

Due to the speed of the descent, the skirt on her body also became flying.


The people around were confused by this artistic conception one after another.

Started involuntarily, admiring it.

"It's really beautiful..."

"The Nine Heavens Profound Girl has gone down to earth!"

King Jin stared in a daze, probably because Feng Lian'er was in front of him. He quickly retracted his gaze and turned his gaze away.

He picked up the wine glass on the table and brought it to his lips.

Xiang Xuehai flew down from the sky and kept spinning. She waited until she stood on the ground steadily before she began to sing.


Her voice is very slow, just like a Sanskrit, but it's shallow, but it's very charming.

The people around were also fascinated by her voice.

Her voice, coupled with the ethereal music, mixed up, let alone how beautiful-wonderful.

It's amazing! !

Feng Lian'er was amused when she listened.

In the plot, Feng Lian'er helped her sing in the background.

Today she said that her throat was a little uncomfortable, and she refused.