Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2646: Magical Girl Success Story 34

She said to go with her, then go together.

Using his last strength, he ran towards the forest.

"A bunch of ants!"

Mi Tianya sneered, just about to go in and give them the final blow.

Before he arrived, he was stopped again.

"Lengxin, what are you doing, get out of me!"

Mi Tianya frowned, angrily scolding the cold heart standing in front of her.

"They are all in the same academy, why do you want to kill them like this!"

The cold hand still didn't let go.

She really felt that Tianya seemed to have changed too much.

Mi Tianya's eyes were narrowed, and Rowling held her cold hearted before she made a move.

"Tianya, don't be angry, she is ill again coldly, I will take her to take medicine!:

Although Rowling is not that ordinary, but her relationship with Leng Xin has always been very good.

She also noticed it now, and Mi Tianya was about to kill her cold heart.

She was about to drag Leng Xin away in a hurry.

"Don't move me, you can pass by here unless you kill me!"

Lengxin shook Rowling's hand away, her expression was also very stubborn.

Mi Tianya squinted her eyes, the magic wand in her hand, just lightly tapped, cold-hearted body, and flew out.

"let's go!"

Mi Tianya turned her head back and looked at Prince Ryan beside her.


The expression on Prince Ryan's face was also very subtle. He didn't know why. Suddenly, some of the senses that Mi Tianya gave to people changed.

As for the change, he couldn't tell, he always felt that she was not the Mi Tianya he had known before.

However, Mi Tianya yelled, and he followed the other two knights who were Prince Ryan, and then followed them.

Shen Moxiao and the others hid in the forest, just as Mi Qingming had slowly opened his eyes.

"Giving me a few seconds!"

Mi Qingming closed his eyes again.

"Isn't it just a few seconds!? I can't do my physical body, I can't resist these."

Ye Yu stood up under an order.

"Wait, I have a way!"

Shen Moxiao said quickly again, originally she didn't want to mention her chicken ribs spell, but now it seems that it can be rescued.

Looking at Tianya from a distance, she is about to walk, she now gives people a very dangerous feeling, making people feel that they are starting to tremble in their hearts.

"any solution?"

Ying Ruofeng looked at her suspiciously, this guy had grown up with them since he was a child, how could he not know that she actually has supernatural powers.

"Wait a moment!"

Shen Moxiao began to recite another spell in silence, and then their whole bodies seemed to be surrounded by a layer of transparency.

Is this invisible?

The rest of the people looked at each other one after another.

But now they have not spoken, after all, Tianya and the others are also close to them.

"Nobody is there anymore, it must be around here."

A knight looked around, he said.

Tianya's pretty face seemed to be covered by a layer of ice.

She looked in the direction of Mi Qingming and the others, and she seemed to have an induction.

When she was about to walk in front of them, Shen Moxiao's stealth function disappeared.

As soon as she saw them, Tianya started to recite the magic in her mouth. Just before her wand was raised, Mi Qingming jumped out from behind and kicked her heart.