Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2684: The deceived woman 34

He Qingming sat in the car, and when he stepped on his foot, the car galloped out.

When I arrived at my home, I felt that the air I breathed was all sweet.

She had just walked in and saw her daughter running towards her with short legs.


When he ran up to He Qingming, he hugged He Qingming's leg.

"Sweet, baby..."

He Qingming picked her up, and the child's name was He Weitian.

It was the name He Jianming gave it, and that's what the old man meant. I hope the child will be sweet.

Li Dajian and Wang Shumei are still here, because both of them are in their forties, and they are a decade older than He Qingming.

I didn't want to adopt a child. I was so old, and then under my knees, there was still so much emptiness.

Now, He Weitian also called their grandpa and grandma.

In short, He Weitian is very happy, because usually, there are two grandpa and grandma.

Although my mother often doesn't accompany her body, she can still watch her on the screen every night.

"Qingming, how's going on over there!?"

Liu Yalan walked up to He Qingming and asked aloud.

"very messy!"

He Qingming held He Weitian for a while, and then she kicked her calves vigorously, and she was about to play.

Wang Shumei, who was on the side, quickly followed.

"Then you get divorced, stay in that kind of people, I don't think your spirit is very good!?"

Liu Yalan looked at He Qingming distressedly, and stretched out her hand to stroke-touch He Qingming's hair.

"Mom, I'm really fine! But I feel divorced soon!"

He Qingming looked at Liu Yalan and smiled.

He Qingming took Liu Yalan's hand and walked into the pavilion on one side.

When Liu Yalan heard her say this, she nodded at the moment. All children now have their own minds and know what they want.

Don't interrupt her when she is so old.

So, the mother and daughter watched He Weitian running on the grass from a distance.

Liu Yalan smiled and told He Qingming some interesting things about Ye Weitian.

He Qingming couldn't stop smiling as he listened.

However, the Liao family at this time was also speaking seriously.

Shuaishuai played for a while and then slept on the sofa on one side.

Zhang Mandie sat on the sofa and said nothing.

"You tell me about you, what is going on like this!?"

Liao Mu asked coldly.

"Mom, don't be angry for now!"

Liao Donghai hurriedly walked to Liao's mother and squeezed Liao's shoulder with his hand.

"Don't give me this one!"

Although Mother Liao said so, she was always smiling.

"What's the matter with you first!?"

Liao's mother asked again.

"Actually, Shuai Shuai is Mandie's child, not Qingming!"

Liao Donghai slowly told the truth.

"what happened?"

Liao's mother was shocked.

She intuitively felt that the truth could not be that simple. After all, at that time, they could see that He Qingming's belly was getting bigger. Although He Qingming had a child, they didn't go there immediately.

It can be known that He Qingming gave birth to such a child by cesarean section.

"At that time, Mandie was also pregnant. She gave birth to a handsome boy. He Qingming gave birth to a girl. I know you like boys! So I dared to change the baby over!"