Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2686: The deceived woman 36

"Handsome, Auntie is going!"

Zhang Mandie walked to the handsome man, and half-kneeled on the ground in front of him. He was obviously his son, but he could only call his aunt.

"Auntie... don't leave!"

Shuai Shuai staggered to the front of Zhang Mandie, holding Zhang Mandie in both hands.

Seeing this handsome action, Zhang Mandie's heart was filled with warmth right now.

There were bursts of smiles at the corners of her mouth.

"Auntie is gone!!"

As if she was extremely cold and patient, she let go of the handsome hand and walked outside with a gesture.

Shuai Shuai was holding Zhang Mandie, but when she let it go, he staggered and was about to fall down.

He fell to the ground, as if hitting his ankle, and started crying immediately.

Zhang Mandie heard the child crying, and hurriedly went to hug the child again.

"It's all you!"

Liao's mother pushed her body hard, and it was this dead woman who caused her dear grandson to cry.

"What's wrong!"

At this time, He Qingming also opened the door and walked in.

Looking at the house, it is really messy, it can be described as a joke, it is really messy.

"You won't come until now, the handsome are crying!"

Anyway, for Liao Donghai, it was He Qingming's fault and hers.

"Liao Donghai, you have a brain disease!"

He Qingming glanced at it. Liao's mother was rubbing Shuaishuai's ankle and knew what was going on. Liao Donghai, the crap, was still talking about his own relationship.

It's really like a mad dog, grabbing people, and going up to take a bite.

"Don't talk nonsense in Donghai!"

Although Liao's mother was very angry, He Qingming scolded her child like this, but now it was the first time that Zhang Mandie had to leave.

Therefore, he scolded Liao Donghai for the first time.

Liao Donghai snorted coldly and sat on the sofa on one side.

"Okay, you go!"

Mother Liao said coldly to Zhang Mandie.

Zhang Mandie's expression is also very ugly.

Right now, he lowered his head and walked outside.

When she passed by He Qingming, He Qingming grabbed her wrist.

"What the **** happened? Why are you trying to drive away Zhang Mandie? She treats Shuaishuai with all her heart. She is no different from her mother. In short, I am very moved. I am particularly touched. I believe that Shuai Shuai brought it to her. Are you out of money now? I can pay this money!"

As He Qingming said, the hand holding Zhang Mandie's wrist was also slightly hard.

Zhang Mandie's face was also very painful, she really felt that He Qingming was a lunatic.

It really hurts to hold her hand.

She wanted to get her hand back, but she couldn't get it back.

I don't know what He Qingming had eaten. He is as powerful as a cow.

Now she was too excited to throw her away, so she had to endure the pain by herself.

"It's not a question of money!"

Liao's mother watched He Qingming say this, and it really opened the door to a new world. It's really no wonder that his son can do so many things.

The reason is that she is really stupid.

Originally, she still had some pity for He Qingming, but at this moment, she was just a little helpless.