Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2717: Tomb of the First Emperor Qin 2

Gao Qingying had already spotted it, but he would have gone for nothing. He would never find it in the tomb.

However, everything was beyond her expectation. They went in and encountered many incredible things inside.

Of course, they all died in the end. In this mausoleum, Gao Qingying met a man...

For nearly thirty years, she hadn't talked about a relationship once, but after that man gave up his life and saved her, he died...

Of course, he saved her, he died... She luckily lived a few more minutes, and soon died too.

The memory came to an abrupt end now, and Gao Qingming opened his eyes.

In the dark sky, twinkling stars are twinkling incomparably.

When recalling the plot, the mood was relatively quiet. It can be seen that the original owner was originally a person with indifferent temperament. After all, he often walked in these places, and he should have seen life and death long ago.

After accepting the plot, the original owner's wish is that no matter whether it is good or bad to go to that mausoleum, she wants to have a relationship with that person.

She rolled over and just saw someone standing up.

In the faint light, you could see the cloth robe he was wearing, agitated by the hunting wind blowing.

He is called Tian Jingyi, usually reticent, and always likes to follow Tao Jinghong.

Tao Jinghong is a very secretive person. In his hand, it seems that there is still a key to a certain tomb in the tomb.

Said it is secretive, it is because he is learning Taoism, or that kind of orthodox Taoism. There are many people who know this, but there are very few people who are really familiar with it.

When I saw him, the softest part of Gao Qingming's heart was also deeply touched.

Tian Jingyi was the one who died for her!

He is four years younger than the original principal.

"Miss Gao, are you awake!?"

Tian Jingyi seemed to be pinching something, and after looking at Gao Qingying's opened eyes, he smiled at her again.

Only then did Gao Qingying see that Tian Jingyi was still an immature boy with red lips and white teeth. Just like Zhou Zheng's appearance, he was completely able to go to those boy groups in Korea.

Obviously they are all twenty-six years old, but they only look twenty or so, mainly with a baby face.

The original owner was originally a taciturn person, although he saw the love in his heart.

But now the two have just met, and there is nothing to talk about.

Therefore, Gao Qingying just nodded slightly to him.

She will help the original owner fulfill his wish, but she will not fulfill his wish blindly, because she doesn't know if the original owner is deceived.

Tian Jingyi didn't say much, and after greeted her, he went to the place where he had fallen asleep before.

Not long after he lay down, Gao Qingming heard his slight breathing.

Gao Qingying lay flat on his body, and began to practice his inner power.

Still the same as the one in the mausoleum before, instead of sitting, just lying down.

Although the absorbed power is not that strong, it is also very good.

The reason why they are sleeping in the wilderness is precisely because the destination of this trip is in the mountains. What they are going to is the tomb of the first emperor in Chinese history, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.