Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2718: Tomb of the First Emperor Qin 3

The few people who were still asleep before are the team on this trip. Among them, most of them are now-famous tomb thieves, but people in this circle naturally have their own dignity, that is, they never call themselves grave thieves, but they are also known as generals or gold School lieutenant. They think that tomb robbery is just to let valuable things play its value, rather than to sleep in the tomb as an unnecessary funerary. When I went to Lishan this time, everyone also made a lot of preparations, but in the eyes of Gao Qingyou, the preparations made by these people were basically useless, because the danger waiting for them in front is far from what these people think. Simple.

In Gao Qingyou's memory, there were ten people who added her here, and none of them survived. All of them, including herself, became Qin Huang's new funeral.

The mission this time is very dangerous. However, each of those dangers is enough to put them to death. How to put them to death and live afterwards and get to the funerary in the tomb? Thinking of this, Qing You couldn't help smiling wryly.

But think about the wish of the original owner, that is to have a relationship before death.

Die, it's okay! But it must be in love! ~

These were things she didn't want, so Gao Qingming thought about it, but she still needs to go into this tomb to find out.

Time flies quickly, and soon it's early morning.

In the mountains, morning and evening are filled with a layer of chill.

There was a rustling sound around, and the people around also slowly got up.

Gao Qingming's internal strength just happened to work well, so she stood up, patted the dust off her body, and walked towards the camp.

"Sister Qing You, I got up so early."

The speaker is called Zhen Yue, but she is the lowest-ranking existence in the team, and Qing You is the leader of the group this time. The reason why women’s status is very different at the same time is because this woman is the second-in-command, and the second-in-command is a person who is not inferior to Qingyou in terms of force or command, but she is a good-sexist. . No matter what action he takes, he has to bring a woman with him. Firstly, he can have fun when he is bored, and secondly, it is a good **** that can be discarded when necessary. Although Qing You didn't like this approach very much, other people would like to fight and endure. This is not something she can beaked by an outsider, so she can only open one eye and close one eye.

The rest of the people are even more unwilling to say anything.

"Well, yes, it's not too late for you to get up." Qing You had just barely brought this woman with him, so naturally he just verbally dealt with it casually.

"Boss, breakfast is ready!"

"Boss, breakfast is ready!"

"Brother, why are you taking my words!"

"Brother, you are the one who robs me to speak!"

"You are the younger brother!"

"No! You are the younger brother!"


Wei Yan was angry right now and yelled loudly.

"Can you two stop for a moment? It's noisy all day, is it because the bones are itchy again."

As soon as the two heard this, they kept silent, but they stared at each other with their eyes wide open.

The two are arguing over who is the younger brother, the two brothers, one is Xu Da. One is called Xu Da. I really don't know how their parents named them, and because the two people look so alike, they don't know who is older after they are born.