Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2728: Tomb of the First Emperor Qin 13

Xu Da said.

"No, since it's okay, let's go in together. It's already dawn, and the movement just now is not small. I'm afraid there will be abnormal changes."

Duan Gang showed his judgment at this moment. I don't think it is appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Everyone has no opinion. After fixing the ropes, Xu Da took the lead. After Xu Da cushioned them, they entered the cave one by one.

After more than ten minutes, everyone reached the bottom.

The originally small thief hole and the sun hadn't risen, it was pitch black in the thief hole, and Xu Da, the leader, took out a flashlight.

Under the strong illumination of the flashlight, everyone can observe their environment well.

They were on a passage, surrounded by bluestone bricks and tiles. On both sides of the passage, it was pitch black. Even the bright flashlight was swallowed by the darkness, and the end could not be seen.

"It seems that we are in the tomb passage, but we don't know where the two sides of the tomb passage lead to."

Tao Jinghong looked at both sides helplessly. Some of his spells didn't seem to have any effect here. He couldn't know what was on both sides. He could only pin his hopes on Qing You. This is why he can't pretend to be a leader. When the skills that he depends on for survival lose its effect, he will only rely on others.

Qing You remembered rushing here last time, panicking and choosing a random direction.

At that time, I chose the left side. After I entered, I accidentally touched a mechanism. In order to save her, the brother died in the tunnel.

They were originally a small team, because there were a lot of people on her side, Duan Gang only obeyed her and let her be the leader and the boss.

Later, both Xu Da and Xu were unable to come back because of the path finding. In addition, the senior brother Wei Yan died for himself.

She quickly became a person. Although the ability of HD Meng was not bad at first, she suffered a little injury while passing through that organ.

The ability is also slightly inferior, and it is quickly suppressed.

So the leading person became Duan Gang.

Finally, slowly, one by one fell into death.

"Let's go here!"

In the ancient tomb, every road will not be a good road, every road has many institutions, but walking on some roads may become a way of life, and walking along with roads will change. Become a dead end.

Gao Qingming directly chose the right side. After all, the left side is the direct path to death. Now it would be harder to walk on the right side, but theoretically speaking, it should be better.

Gao Qingming walked in front, Wei Yan followed directly behind her, and the rest followed them one after another.

Duan Gang pulled Zhen Yue after the break.

This time, Duan Gang didn't say much, although she looked down on a woman like Gao Qingming, but she was very explainable when she entered the tomb.

When you come in outside, whoever is the boss, when you follow up, listen to whoever you say, regardless of whether that person is right or wrong, you have to follow.

So this time, Gao Qingming led the way, and the people who followed didn't say much, and followed her directly.

There was a little dryness in this corridor, and some faintly choking noses.

The flashlight in Gao Qingying's hand took a look around this passage. On both sides, a lot of hands came out, all of them holding a candlestick.