Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2750: Fate of the Mausoleum of the First Emper

It's the first time to be as weird as today.

Gao Qingying took a deep breath and eased his mood.

In fact, she is not the kind of person with intensive phobia.

But all this in front of me is really disgusting.

If it's a small rabbit, that's fine. The rabbits in front of you are of the kind that are very big. They are basically fat rabbits of the same height as hers.

Not one, not two, but a group.

No matter what, she still wants to go out, she can't trap herself in this rabbit.

"High-definition Xiao——"

Just when Gao Qingying didn't know how to get out of this giant rabbit den, she heard Tian Jingyi's voice.

At this quarter of an hour, she felt that she had heard the sound of nature.

"I am here!"

Gao Qingming responded loudly, although he didn't know if he would be able to save her, but there was a strong hope in his heart.

"I will rescue you right away!"

When Tian Jing stood outside, he threw out the black box in his hand.

The black box, right in the sky, keeps circling around.

It didn't stop until it found the HD video.

Gao Qingming raised his head, looking at the top of his head, the black box was spinning all the time.

But it released bursts of light.

Gao Qingming looked at his body in surprise, surrounded by his light.

Then there was a moment of relaxation at the foot, and the whole person seemed to be lifted up.

In an instant, her body was wrapped tightly by this aperture.

Then he was pushed out lightly, leaving the huge rabbit nest far away.

Gao Qingming stood in front of Tian Jingyi.

The small black box that had been spinning on the top of Gao Qingming's head also began to no longer rotate. When Tian Jing first extended his hand, the small black box had fallen into Tian Jing Yi's hand.

"Thank you!"

Gao Qingying looked at him and thanked him.

Tian Jingyi looked at her with a smile on her mouth.

Tian Jingyi had a serious face originally, but at this moment he smiled and showed two small tiger teeth.

In such a dark place, his smiling face already gave people a kind of magical power of sunshine.

Gao Qingming glanced at him, then turned his gaze away.

"Are you afraid of rabbits?"

Tian Jing asked aloud.

When he asked this sentence, he couldn't help but smile.

Normally she looked calm and self-sufficient, and didn't want to be afraid of anything at all.

It's such a look now that it's being held in a pile of rabbits.

"I'm not still scared, but I feel a little sick!"

Gao Qingying said, looking at the place where he had stayed before.

A large group of rabbits in Wuyangyang stay together.

Don't mention that before, I was standing in the middle of them.

Even standing outside, looking at it like this, I feel a little nauseous.

Such a dense group of rabbits.

"This mausoleum is really evil!"

Gao Qingming shook her head helplessly. She guessed that she hadn't reached any orthodox tombs until now. They were all weird places.


Tian Jingyi also nodded, but when he responded to her, he turned his head around.