Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2751: Mausoleum of the First Emperor Qin Dynas

"Are you alone now?"

Gao Qingying asked aloud.

"Yes, I am alone!"

Tian Jing nodded slightly.

"We continue to move forward, hoping to meet them soon!"

Gao Qingying walked towards the front.

Walking out of the dwarf rabbits, there was already some faint light.

After walking some distance, there will be another exquisite palace in front of you, which is very small.

The walls are carved with various patterns and some characters.

The two didn't think they had become, Tian Jingyi walked in front, and Gao Qingying walked behind.

After going round and round, the two of them went in.

There is no extra thing in front of me, just a woman lying in front of me.

She was lying on a big bed of white jade. The white jade was still exuding a bit of chill. What was even more terrifying was that the dress on her body was as bright as new, and her appearance was still very good.

It can be seen that she is still a beauty.

She held a rabbit in her arms, a snow-white rabbit.

After thousands of years, the flesh is not corrupt, they have seen a lot of this kind of thing.

But this kind of appearance is a bit exaggerated.

In the past, the tomb was robbed, at most, to see the mummy, like this one, it is really strange.

"Is this woman buried?"

Gao Qingying was very confused.

If the woman is buried, it should be near the main tomb.

Conversely, wonder if this place is close to the main tomb?

"She's called Liji, she has a gentle personality, likes rabbits, and can sing and dance... is a woman that King Qin likes very much."

Tian Jingyi suddenly spoke. The words he said made Gao Qingying's heart a burst of suspicion.

"How did you know?"

With her brilliant eyes, she just looked at Tian Jingyi in front of her.

"It's written on the wall!"

Tian Jing pointed at the wall covering on one side.

Gao Qingming walked over and looked at the text on the wall. Although it was occluded and difficult to understand, it was still vaguely visible that it was indeed what Tian Jingyi said just now.

"Let's go out, there is nothing in this tomb!"

Gao Qingzhen was about to go through, and at this moment, the rabbit that Li Ji was holding in her arms suddenly opened her eyes.

Two red eyes lit up instantly, just like two small light bulbs.

This sudden bright light made the high-definition faintly startled.

She shoved, and the silver sickle fell into her hand again.

The rabbit seemed to be alive, and he didn't know what it was saying.

Gao Qingying heard waves of movement behind him. At this moment, he looked back, and the passageway was gone where he came in.

Now there is only one wall, which exists there.

"It seems that we are really going to kill a **** road!"

Gao Qingxiao looked at Tian Jing and smiled.

"I think... it doesn't seem to be needed!"

Tian Jingyi looked at the front with his usual expression and spoke lightly.

Gao Qingming also followed his gaze, seeing only the place directly in front of him, and a door had already been opened.

Is that true?

When God closes a door for you, will he open another door for you?

"Let's go!"

Tian Jingyi walked straight towards the door.

Gao Qingying took a step forward and stopped.