Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2762: Sleep with the Beast 2

Just like before, all the plots are in these little stars.

The outstretched hand stretched out again in a daze.

Ji Qingming's expression also became indifferent.

She stood there, looking at Ji Zexi, who walked slowly towards her.

The distance between the two was very close, and neither spoke to each other.

Just when Ji Qingming thought he would make something, he unexpectedly found himself covered with a white halo again.

She raised her head again in surprise and looked in Ji Zexi's direction.

Ji Zexi has turned around and walked towards the sofa.

I only heard him say, "Go to the next plot!"

Then Ji Qingming fell into a kind of mixed theory, and when she woke up, she was already in a jungle.

The Amazon jungle and the like, when you look at it, they are all lush green with thick and complicated roots.

She opened her eyes and saw a snake hanging above her, as if watching her opened her eyes, the snake suddenly stuck out its tongue-head.

The red and slender tongue-head makes people feel cool behind their backs, but also a bit creepy.

Seeing this, Ji Qingming backed away again.

What the **** is this! !

She lowered her head again, and took a look at her outfit. She was still in a modern outfit.

So it's still in modern times! ?

She was just about to stand up, and the snake in front of her seemed to move some distance towards her.

This makes Ji Qingming very puzzled, as if he was stared at by a snake just after crossing.

this and that……

After being watched by a snake, I really couldn't live the plot well.

She swallowed, then looked at one side again, but from the outside of her eyes, she was still staring at the snake.

After trying to mobilize her own strength, she discovered that the original owner was actually just an ordinary person.

It's just this ordinary person, why is he confronting a snake here.

People really feel incredible.

It's not easy to absorb the plot now. Could it be that I just continue to nest here and be stared at by a snake?

Ji Qingming continued to move again. After waiting for a while, she finally couldn't bear it, stood up abruptly, and ran to the side.

Sure enough, the snake didn't chase it.

She was sweating profusely when she ran, and she was panting, leaning on the tree on one side, resting.

Finally it was all right, Ji Qingming lowered his head, resting.

When she opened her eyes, she suddenly found the snake again, and it suddenly hung on the tree in front of her.

Looking at the snake hanging on the tree, Ji Qingming was really dizzy.

Damn it, this snake is really lingering.

What the **** is this?

Just when Ji Qingming was inexplicable, the snake hanging on the tree instantly turned into a beautiful black-haired boy.

At this time, he was naked and hanging upside down on the tree trunk.

The black hair exudes a pearl-like luster, and the glazed pupils are flickering, with pure light.

With a tall nose and red lips that don't touch, the whole person looks very clear.

It makes people feel good, and it makes people accept and get close.

He flipped over from the tree trunk and stood in front of Ji Qingming.

Ji Qingming really couldn't bear to look directly at him. He didn't wear clothes all over his body.