Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2779: Sleep with the Beast 19

After all, it was in the wild, what if a beast came over and hurt her.

Or, there are some males rushing over, smelling.

This female belongs to her!

Probably Arthur didn't know yet. He looked at Liao Qingming's eyes. In that, there was gradually an emotion called the only emotion.

In fact, in these tribes, the males are several times the females, and the natural females are the kind that do not grow well.

So it has also evolved into a scene where a female is surrounded by many males.

Even if it is a powerful king, it is also behind a female.

In this world, there is no female who does not have many males.

Originally, Arthur didn't care, and with such brothers, they had females together and protected females together.

Let the female give him cubs.

But now in his heart, there was an impulse to have her alone.

Starry sky.

Originally, the place where Ji Zexi had his mana existed, and the place he consolidated was normally where he wanted to get it.

All the furnishings he made exist.

Now that he fell down, these things no longer exist.

Ji Zexi came out of the plot and fell to the ground on one knee.

Some blood flowed down from his lips, and he fell onto the starry sky belt with some exhaustion.

"Big Brother!"

Ji Zeya, who was already unwilling to talk to Ji Zexi, also walked in from outside at this time, and she reached out to support Ji Zexi.

"Brother, are you okay!"

There were some tears in her eye sockets.

Mom and Dad were locked up on the Timeless Isle by the eldest brother. There is no time limit on that island.

With his own magic power, he couldn't go to the Timeless Isle at all.

Originally, the elders were very eye-catching, but now the elder brother is down again, what should I do?

I can't hold it by myself.

"Yaya, I'll leave it to you first!"

After Ji Zexi finished saying this, a red light flashed in his pupils and then dimmed again.

He also fainted. He was originally a good person, but at this time, he was also unconscious.

Ji Zeya knew that he was so weak now just to restrain the evil self in his body.

She picked up Ji Zexi and walked out.

Leaving the starry sky, she walked on the starry sky belt outside, opened the door, and put Ji Zexi on the bed.

Seeing Ji Zexi's pale face, her eyes dimmed again.

Turned around and left the room.

The origin of everything is to blame myself. If it's not for my own good deeds, I would cast spells on my brother, and at such a half-hearted level, I would have harmed my brother like this.

The elder brother locked up his parents again, and was said to be killing his parents outside.

It's all because of myself.

Ji Zeya returned to the small starry sky again, her expression was very depressed, her finger moved slightly, and the surrounding scenery changed a little.

She sat on the sofa and read the book on one side.

My brother said that if she wants her to see and take care of this place, she will take good care of it.

Similarly, she also has to upgrade her magic skills, she doesn't want to waste materials.

She didn't want to continue, doing bad things kindly, and she wanted everyone around her to do it well.