Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2898: My father is a traitor 56

In the air, there seemed to be some burnt breath.

The next person, is it Qi Weiyang's turn?

She turned around again, closed the window, and told the maid to come in and wait for her to rest.

On the second day, it came out from Xiangfu's house that his wife Wei Lian'er was indiscriminately in the room to worship her deceased husband, and finally burned down her house.

I was also burned.

It just died, because it was to worship his deceased husband, and it was also a red apricot who had gone out of the wall.

Because at that time, she was peacefully separated, and now she knows that the man is dead and still worshiping, what does this mean?

In short, Wei Lian'er died of an unfavorable life, and she was also a lonely ghost.

In fact, if this is not the case, her tomb should also be by Qi Ming's side in the future.

But how could Qi Ming let his husband and wife be by their side, leaving other people behind.

The yard where Wei Lian'er lived before also started construction and was dug into a lake.

Many people are together, and within a month, there is also a new lake in this mansion.

Outside the lake, a lot of greenery was planted.

People have forgotten, and after a month, they stopped mentioning Wei Lian'er.

In Qi Qingming's wedding, there are still two months left, and the mansion is also getting busy.

Qi Qingming felt that he could be married well now.

Don't bother directly with other things.

After all, the old man was resisting him, and everything was done well for him.

In addition, Gao Yiyan was born again, he originally came with a full body of nostalgia, and he originally had an endless love for Qi Qingming.

If the two get married, A Jin's soul can be obtained directly.

Thinking of this, Qi Qingming became even more idle.

Now, just take a good rest every day. Reading a book and getting more knowledge will be good for the future.

This task feels like it was given away.

In addition, there is another soul of A Jin, and now that I think about it, I feel in a good mood.

Qi Weiyang was still crazy, locked in her yard, and she was pregnant.

Later, the people who served her said that she was holding a dried lotus and talking about it every day, Ling Feng Lingfeng.

It was spread all over the house, Qi Weiyang's adulterer was called Gao Lingfeng.

Others don't know, Qi Qingming knows the inside story, how can he not know.

This Gao Lingfeng is also a scheming person.

People like Qi Weiyang have been made like this by him.

Qi Weiyang is useless, and Gao Lingfeng will definitely not take her seriously, so Qi Weiyang's future will also...haha, deserve it.

What's more, she still looks so crazy now.

Qi Qingming didn't pay attention to these. After more than a month, Gao Yiyan's wounds were completely healed.

He stood in Qi Qingming's courtyard again, probably because the good things of the two were approaching, and Gao Yiyan now is not the lonely person before.

He walked in front of people now, all in a beaming state.

Even if he was standing in Qi Qingming's yard, he just stood far away and didn't get close.

The two of them stared at each other from a distance.

At first, Qingmei was still a little worried, but after seeing them like this, she was relieved.

At least not before the wedding.