Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2899: My father is a traitor 57

Gao Yiyan just stayed in Qi Qingming's yard, and within half a month, the wound on his body was completely healed.

Qi Ming went to him and told him, move out first, and live in the yard where they got married.

In addition, you can also report to the Ministry of Defense.

His identity has been completely washed away, and he is no longer the remnant of the previous dynasty Gao Yaoran.

His current identity is Gao Yiyan, an orphan without a father or mother, and his identity is very simple.

Because it was Qi Qingming's escort, and when Qi Qingming was in danger, he rescued Qi Qingming.

This led to a good story.

In short, the outside is spreading, Gao Yiyan jumped into the dragon's door.

Marrying a wife is really less struggling for many years.

When Gao Yiyan heard the rumors outside, he naturally laughed.

Besides, he is really relying on his wife now.

Only in the future, he must make Qingming proud of her.

"Qingming, I'm going to move away!"

Gao Yiyan walked up to Qi Qingming.

In fact, in the past two weeks, he has been a dozen meters away from Qi Qingming.

I wanted to come to her a long time ago, and now it's time for parting.

Even on his side, there are several maids who are eyeing each other.

Gao Yiyan's expression is still very relaxed and indifferent.


Qi Qingming nodded slightly.

"Listen to Dad, you are about to go to the Ministry of War, everything is fine with you, and you take this, keep it safe!"

After Qi Qingming finished speaking, a maid beside her handed a box to Gao Yiyan.


With a word of joy, Gao couldn't help but took the box.

Then... in front of everyone around him, he opened the box.

The maids around, looked at each other.

This opens the thing in front of the gift giver. Is this really good?

Gao Yiyan ignored it, and directly took out the contents of the box.

"I like it very much!"

This is a jade pendant on which is a tie made by Qi Qingming himself.

At the moment, Gao Yiyan handed the box in his hand to the maid's hand.

He put the jade pendant on his body again.

Seeing Gao Yiyan, the surrounding maids couldn't help laughing.

Qi Qingming was also inexplicable for a while, just looking at him like this.

"Qingming, then I'm leaving first."

Although Gao Yiyan was very reluctant, he also knew that in one month, he could marry Qingming home.

From now on, I can get along with Qingming day and night. Thinking about it now, I feel very excited.


Qi Qingming also nodded slightly.

Gao Yiyan left.


At this time, Qingmei walked over inexplicably.

"What's the matter?"

Qi Qingming looked at Qingmei very well and looked flustered.

"Master let Miss Qi go out!"

"Who is so unlucky!?"

Qi Qingming felt funny for a while, and this incident was too dramatic.

Qi Weiyang can't die at home. After all, a stepmother just died, and now there is an extra Qi Weiyang, which is really bad.

Although I'm not afraid of anything, but everyone talks about it.

Sometimes, it's really hard to block other people's leisurely mouth.

"It's an imperial emissary. This imperial emissary participated in the master's book before, and was finally married by the emperor."

Qingmei also wiped a sweat.