Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2900: My father is a traitor 58

If Qi Weiyang is married and it is known that she is pregnant and crazy again, how can this be done?

"It's okay! That imperial envoy dare not say anything, so he can only knock down his teeth and swallow it with blood."

Qi Qingming said lightly.


Qingmei also nodded, and stopped talking.

Because it was the emperor who bestowed the marriage, the imperial envoy didn't dare to do anything, and had to hold the wedding at home.

Although Qi Weiyang is not from the Qi family, she is older than Qi Qingming in terms of age.

Therefore, Qi Ming proposed that the imperial envoy must marry Qi Weiyang back before Qi Qingming marries.

The imperial envoy had no choice but to act on his orders.

Just half a month later, Qi Weiyang was taken back.

After marrying back, he found that Qi Weiyang was crazy, and he found the doctor, but he even found out that it was a happy pulse.

The imperial ambassador's expression changed right now, he was pitted.

He didn't dare to say anything, adding Qi Weiyang was bestowed by the emperor.

So, he ordered Qi Weiyang to be locked up, and then another concubine was admitted.

Qi Weiyang was under control, naturally no one would take care of it, and then a stinky girl would take care of her eating and drinking Lazar.

Qi Weiyang is here, and he's worse than a dog.

That imperial envoy hated Qi Weiyang very much, but fortunately, the concubine he married back was pretty good.

At least, every day is the gentle fragrance of nephrite, and life is endless fun.

The humiliation that Qi Weiyang cast on him has always existed.

However, after the imperial envoy had been messed up by Qi Ming for such a meal, the imperial envoy also knew that his arms could not be screwed on his thighs.

He didn't dare to choke on anything, and straightly shrank his head.

But he wants a low voice, and he also needs to see if he is not allowed to make a low voice.

So, naturally, he was unlucky.

Two of them were directly caught, one was-pet-concubine destroying his wife, and the other was his concubine. In fact, she was not a good family, she was after the prisoner.

This imperial envoy was directly charged with many crimes, and his home was also stolen.

All the people in the family were exiled to Lingnan.

Because he felt that Qi Weiyang was a member of Qi Ming's mansion, he secretly let it go.

They felt that if Qi Ming wanted to pick her back, he would naturally pick her back secretly.

If she didn't pick it up, it would probably have caused her to fend for herself outside.

Originally, Qi Weiyang was a mad and silly person, but letting it go would be regarded as a face to Qi Ming.

Qi Weiyang was thrown on the street, because she was so stupid that all the jewelry on her body was pulled.

Even the eardrops on the ears pulled the earlobes through because they were pulling too hard.

The clothes on her body, because it was also the finest silk and satin, were also taken off.

Although he is idiotic, how to say, Qi Weiyang is also a person who was raised as a young lady.

The skin on the body is like snow and jade, even if it is in this situation, it is eye-catching.

Her stomach has been around for more than two months, and she can see the slight ups and downs.

He was only wearing a bellyband, and wearing an obscene trousers underneath, lying in the corner like this.

Although her body is covered with dirt, it is also a fascinating vision how she looks at it.

Because of pregnancy, her upper circumference also soared sharply.

It's just a burst of blood swelling to make people look at it.

So, on the night of that day, Qi Weiyang was **** by a group of small gangsters.