Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2990: I accidentally met you 5

Going all the way to the back, she saw a pair of gray-haired old people on the road, the two of them held hands to each other, although neither of them spoke, but from the hands they held tightly, the two inadvertently looked at each other. You can still see that they are very in love with each other.

Fall in love...

What is love, is there really love in this world?

Can she... be loved or loved?

After absorbing the plot, Huang Qingming opened his eyes.

This plot is not the most miserable she has ever seen, but after absorbing the plot, her heart is cool, and there are layers of bitterness.

A girl like the original owner should have been able to live well.

It is because of being a bridesmaid of some sort of mischief, that she has made herself like this.

Huang Qingming lay there and began to practice the inner strength mental method, this mental method, when he was just mobilized.

Inside the body, it was like a sudden lightness.

Fortunately, this body can still be cultivated.

Because it’s on the second floor, it’s not easy to sit and practice. It’s okay to lie down like this now.

On the road, after cultivating like this, after getting off the car, there are still three or four days before getting married at their house. You can also cultivate during this period.

Originally, if this body couldn't cultivate the mind, she got off the car first when she arrived at that station, and then went back to the imperial capital, where she would take care of this **** woman in a good life.

Since she can practice now, let her have an unforgettable wedding.

After all, everyone knew each other and congratulated her on her newly married, right?

Huang Qingming thought, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he continued to practice.

By daybreak, the noise in the ears became louder.

"Qingming, do you want to have breakfast?"

Qian Xiaole reached out and pushed her.

"Eat, you go buy it!"

Huang Qingming opened his eyes and looked at her.

Qian Xiaole hesitated a little, and Huang Qingming couldn't help laughing when he saw her like this.

"Qian Xiaole, you won't! You want me to give your bridesmaid. I asked for leave for this. My bonus is gone. You said I have no money. I bought more than 500 tickets by myself. I won't buy a breakfast. You don’t even have money! Since their family is so poor, why are you still marrying?

Listening to Huang Qingming's words, Qian Xiaole's face blushed.

She didn't want to buy breakfast for her, or even thought she gave her own meal money, that's good.

Who knows, she yelled without shame.

Is it too much?

These people around are all looking at themselves.

Qian Xiaole was angrily at the moment, and stared at Huang Qingming again.

Although she didn't know the people in the car, it was really uncomfortable to be looked at with this kind of eyes here.

"Just buy some!"

After Huang Qingming finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

Seeing her like this, Qian Xiaole was furious.

This person is still from the city, and it is a lie to say that he is a good friend.

I originally felt that I was a little sorry to let her be a bridesmaid, but now it seems to deserve it.

Qian Xiaole bought two porridge and two steamed buns and came over.

"Qing Ming, I've eaten!"

Qian Xiaole sat on the lower bunk bed and called Huang Qingming.

Huang Qingming got down from above, sat down, and took it.