Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3024: I accidentally met you 39

Gao Yue was hurt here for a long time again, and she just hung up the phone, which was the blessing of going to sleep.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Zhan's call came in immediately.


"Who you just called, it's always busy."

"Your sister!"

Huang Qingming's concise and decisive answer made Gao Zhan smile awkwardly.

Immediately, Gao Zhan reopened to change the subject and chatted with her.

The two had been chatting, talking until very late, until Huang Qingming couldn't support it, and then hung up the phone.

Huang Qingming threw the phone aside, dragged the quilt up, and fell asleep.

By the next day, when she woke up, it was already more than one in the afternoon.

She scratched her hair and walked out. When she got outside, she suddenly noticed Gao Zhan who was staying in her house.

"Why are you here!?"

Huang Qingming was puzzled.

"A Zhan has been here for a long time, hurry up and wash up!"

Huang Mu came over and saw Huang Qingming's unkempt appearance, and she frowned at the moment.

Finally, I have a very good son-in-law, but I can't be scared away by this girl.


Huang Qingming nodded and hurriedly walked towards the toilet.

Gao Zhan's sight has always been glued to Huang Qingming's body.

Huang mother looked very happy, her child is just like herself, so disgusting and liking.

She exchanged glances with Father Huang, who was watching TV on one side, and they both grinned.

Huang Qingming washed up and came out from outside, and Huang Mu brought her food to Shanglai.

"You eat first!"


"Eat slowly, don't think of starving ghosts to reincarnate!"

Huang Mu asked two more words, this girl, when she is hungry, it is really terrible to eat.


Huang Qingming curled his lips, naturally knowing the impression he had in Huang Mu's mind.

Now I am afraid of running away from my son-in-law!

Huang Qingming took the phone and started to scan the news, and immediately saw that Zhang Jianning and the others went up.

The reporter or something, he really deserves to use his pen, and he writes very well.

Zhang Jianning was crushed by a car and fractured. She was living in the hospital and was compensated by the hapless driver, but it was because Qian Xiaole pushed him, so he still needs to pay a little responsibility.

Zhang Jianning's mother was not in good health, and his father was no matter what, so the two of them immediately got tangled up with Qian Xiaole.

This made Qian Xiaole miserable.

"What are you looking at, so happy!?"

Gao Zhan walked in front of Huang Qingming and asked aloud.

"Just look at the news!"

Huang Qingming pushed the phone in his direction.

"This is an employee of our company"

"Not anymore!"


Was shocked by Gao Zhan's sudden words.

"You fired her!"

Huang Qingming swallowed the soup in his mouth and asked aloud.

"I know, she is the one who framed you before."

Gao Zhan didn't care, reached out and took the soup ladle on one side, and filled her with a bowl of soup.

"You know all this, are they Milan?"

Huang Qingming looked helpless.

It must be them!

"Yeah! The two of them did a great job!"

Gao Zhan exclaimed in praise.

At this time, Huang Qingming's cell phone rang suddenly, an unfamiliar phone number.

As soon as she connected, Qian Xiaole's hoarse voice came from the other side.