Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3029: Chasing the stars of the sun 5

Wu Huishan looked at her disgustingly again, and asked her to take a shower and change her clothes.


Hui Qingming nodded and went straight upstairs.

When she was climbing the stairs, she heard Wu Huishan call the housekeeper to come in, as if she was talking about the driver Xiao Zhao.

Hui Qingming doesn't have a good impression of someone like Xiao Zhao who steals and plays slippery.

She went upstairs and took a shower. When she went downstairs, Hui Shancun had already returned.


The relationship between the original owner and Hui Shancun is very good. When it is good, Wu Huishan is always jealous.

Why did the daughter who gave birth to her own hard work like her father so much? This made her wonder very much.

"Qingming, this is your new phone!"

Hui Shancun delivered a gift box to her and bought a mobile phone case she liked very much.

"Dad, don't buy it for me tomorrow!"

Hui Qingming took this phone, she didn't dare to calculate in her heart how many things the original owner had given away.

Books, mobile phones, cosmetics, many, many things.

Hundreds of thousands, right? No wonder he was called a fool behind his back.

She is indeed a fool.


Although Hui Shancun didn't believe it, but seeing Hui Qingming's serious expression, he had no choice but to believe it.


Hui Qingming sat on the sofa and said it seriously.

"Okay, serious!"

Hui Shancun repeated what she said again.

Hui Qingming was also helpless, so she had to shut up and waited for the meal.

After eating, the next day came.

When Hui Qingming went out, he had already changed a driver.

"Miss Qingming, I am your driver Xiao Zhang."

Xiao Zhang opened the car door for her and said respectfully.

"Well, thank you Xiao Zhang!"

Hui Qingming got into the car and thanked him aloud.

Xiao Zhang was a little apprehensive. He was new here. Originally, Xiao Zhao had left. He still said a lot of bad things about Hui Qingming in front of him, saying that she was very domineering, impolite, and didn't treat people as human.

However, she was not like this when she was in front of her.

Is it just pretending? But is it necessary to install in front of him as a driver?

It seems that Xiao Zhao did something nasty, which made people get fired, and he must do his own thing.

Xiao Zhang drove Hui Qingming to the school, and went to her school gate all the time before leaving.

Hui Qingming came to the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

As soon as she sat down, a group of girls surrounded her.

Looking at their hot eyes when they looked at him, Hui Qingming knew that it would definitely not be because of his popularity.

There are so many friends in the school.

"Hui Qingming, your hairpin is so beautiful, so shiny, it's a diamond!"

A girl stood beside her, put her hand on her shoulder, her eyes twinkling at the hairpin on her head.

"um, yes!"

Hui Qingming nodded. In the school, you can only wear school uniforms, only the hair, and some hair ropes or hairpins.

Hui Qingming has no idea about these, but Wu Huishan is in your house, and her usual job is to buy and buy.

Buy it for herself, and often buy it for Hui Qingming.

The most common thing is to dress Hui Qingming as a princess.

Therefore, in her jewelry box, there are many hairpins and hair ropes.