Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3032: Chasing the stars of the sun 8

He saved people by himself, and he still did this kind of thing.

She knew that in the plot, he also liked the original owner.

"Hui Qingming! Come down!"

He was loudly outside, calling her name.

"Miss, don't go down, I'll call the police!"

Xiao Zhang was very nervous. Today was his first time at work, and he encountered this kind of thing. It was really unlucky.

"It's okay, don't be afraid!"

Hui Qingming calmed down a bit, then opened the car door and went down.

Xiao Zhang was still sitting in the driving position and was in a daze.

Why was she still being comforted by a teenage girl like Miss, it was really useless.

In what way, the opposite is just a boy with a very strong aura.

right! Just a teenager!

Xiao Zhang cheered hard, got out of the car, and stood in front of Hui Qingming.

Hui Qingming and the young man did not speak, they were silently confronting each other.

It seems that whoever speaks first loses.

"You go in first!"

The boy looked quite quiet at first, but suddenly he was like a lion, and suddenly asked Xiao Zhang to get in the car.

Xiao Zhang was shocked abruptly, but in a blink of an eye, he decided to stay in front of Hui Qingming.

"Xiao Zhang, go in, I'll be fine here!"

Hui Qingming waved his hand and let Xiao Zhang in.

Xiao Zhang was stunned, seeing Hui Qingming also say the same, still hesitated.

The young lady is just a child. What if she is in danger?

"You go in, I'll be fine!"

Hui Qingming frowned. She knew that the young man in front of her would not hurt herself.


Xiao Zhang felt that he had done everything he had to do, and he could just do it anyway.

Xiao Zhang returned to the car, originally thinking of listening to what the two of them were going to say.

But the two of them walked forward.

"My name is Xun Ziye!"

With a cold face, he suddenly appeared to introduce himself.

This scene really made Hui Qingming a little dumbfounded.


Hui Qingming responded, he also knew his name, so he couldn't introduce himself.

"Hey, why are you impolite as a woman!"

Xun Ziye glared at her again.

"Why don't I be polite, you know my name, do I have to say it again?"

Hui Qingming looked at him inexplicably.

"I did this, is it my brain damage, or are you sick?"

Xun Ziye took a deep breath, and finally looked at Hui Qingming with a smile.

"What you said is very right!"

Seeing his face, in this second, it turned into a small smiling face again, which made Hui Qingming's heart numb.

I always think there will be something.

"I heard that you are going to transfer school, I tell you...Go to that school, don't talk nonsense..."

Xun Ziye's expression was very ugly.

At this time, Hui Qingming understood that this product was here to seal it.

"It's okay if I don't say it, but is there no hush fee?"

Hui Qingming knew that he was in the extreme world, and he also knew that he had many younger brothers in his hands.

but! She's not a small person, how can she say she is her savior.

He will be no good.

"Then what are you going to do!?"