Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3193: Ghost in the ring 15

Si Qingming closed his eyes.

"My name is Tracing."

He was still lying next to her, and whispered his name.


Si Qingming nodded.

"I think the two of us are good friends."

Traced to the source with a smile, his dark eyes looked at her so affectionately.

"What a good match, I am a human, you are a ghost, we are different ways of ghosts."

Si Qingming was still practicing with his eyes closed, while talking to him.

"It's okay, you and our names, your name is Qingming, and my name is Suyuan. We are all related to water."

Si Qingming nodded when he heard what he said. It really made sense.

Tracing saw the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and smiled.

He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

It seems that everything is predestined.

"You are in this ring?"

Si Qingming opened his eyes and asked him again.


Tracing nodded.

"Then why didn't you come out yesterday?"

She asked again.

"I was still practicing yesterday."

Tracing to the source answered in a serious manner.

"The ghost is still cultivating?"

Si Qingming was curious for a while.

"Have you never heard of ghost repair?"

Her face traced back to the source with a look that was rare and strange.

"Have heard it, okay!"

I heard it before, but that also only exists in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Why do you exist in this ring?"

Although Si Qingming knew, she still asked, because she felt that Tracing was very clever, with a different temperament than his appearance.

Today they are still open and honest, in fact, for their own good.

"I am the emperor of the dynasty, Yujia personally conquered, and finally died on the battlefield. I don’t know if my spirit is strong, or what finally my spirit is attached to this ring. Later, I was picked up by someone and treated as someone again. The burial objects in the mausoleum were taken out by the tomb robbers for nearly a hundred years, tossed around several times, and finally fell into your hands."

Tracing didn't hide it. When she asked, he answered directly.

"Except for me, can anyone see you?"

Si Qingming asked again.

"Invisible, it can be seen by the person wearing the ring."

Listening to the trace of the source, Si Qingming was suddenly surprised again, then in the original plot, why can the original owner without the ring be able to see him.

In the original plot, it was not surprising that Si Xueyi could not be seen at first, because he did not come out, and secondly, Si Xueyi did not keep the ring worn by this man on her body.

At night, when there was no one, he ran out secretly.

But why can the original owner see it.

"Is that really not seen by anyone else?"

Si Qingming still felt strange.

"If there is, then it is really a destined person."

After thinking about the source, I answered.

She should be a predestined person, seeing him, she can still have a special function.

Si Qingming also nodded, thinking that the original owner was probably the kind of destined person.

Then it was his turn now, because the ring itself was on his body, and there was only one more kind, and he could see other ghosts freely.

This function is such a good thing for a ghost hunter.

"Why do you still have a shadow!?"