Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3243: Ghost in the Ring 65

She is very honest, and she seems to be a nice person, after all, she didn't kill Da Chou and Da Bao.


Si Qingming nodded.

The leader walked in front, Si Qingming followed behind him.

They walked to a high place, Si Qingming walked to the front, the steps here are all hollowed out, looking down, it seems like a bottomless abyss.

The steps here can go to the central high ground.

That piece of high ground is also hollow. From a distance, you can see that there is a gem with a cold blue light on it.

"wait for me here."

After Si Qingming finished speaking to the leader, he climbed up the hollow steps towards the top.

She was wearing a pair of sneakers on her feet, walking on this hollowed-out ladder, making a burst of noise.

This road is actually very narrow, and she can only walk on her own.

Fortunately, there is no fear of heights. Otherwise, walking in this center would be really scary.

I finally reached the high platform. When I looked from a distance, I felt that this place was relatively large, but when I walked over, I found that it was actually quite small.

Her hand touched the blue orb.

The tentacles were cold, and Si Qingming's body was clear.

Gently twisted the orb, and at this moment, I heard a burst of sound in my ear.

That kind of voice is very small, so I don't know how to say it. In short, it makes people feel an indescribable panic.

"woo woo woo woo……"

It was like the whimper of a ghost.


There were bursts of such voices.

Suddenly, Si Qingming saw the soul rising from the deep stream on one side.

These souls are all blue souls.

Although it doesn't look terrifying, just hearing these sounds and being surrounded by these ghosts three hundred and sixty degrees, to be honest, is very frightening.

Si Qingming looked at the earth souls around him and began to search for Liu Yuezhen's earth souls.

Before Liu Yuezhen found her soul, she felt the heat in her chest, and she lowered her head in surprise.

Looking at the Ange thing he was wearing, it was faintly shining.

She was a little surprised.

Yes, A Jin's natural soul, birth soul, and earth soul are gone. In the plot, she is looking for his seven souls, could it be...

Si Qingming was agitated in her heart, she hurriedly pulled the thing out of her clothes.

Then she saw a blue light and rushed towards the small bottle glowing in front of her chest.

Soon, the light slowly faded.

Si Qingming waited for a while, then saw the one he was wearing again, the light was gone, and then it also disappeared.

Si Qingming's heart was agitated. She really didn't expect to help Liu Yuezhen to find the earth soul here, so that she could still find A Jin's earth soul.

It's really great, three souls and seven souls, she has found four kinds, and it's really fast.

Sure enough, people still have to be kind, after all, kindness pays off.

Si Qingming calmed down his mood for a moment, and found Liu Yuezhen's earth soul again, and received it in his jade bottle.

Only then did I go to the meeting.

She walked to the lead ghost and saw it was still standing.

Her fingers were slightly lifted, and a dizzy yellow-colored light quickly wrapped around the guide ghost's body.