Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3472: Girl's Counterattack 10

She would never do such a comfortable thing.

The boss of Lai Xumin's eyes opened, seeing Chu Qingming like this, even his breathing started to rush.

"Let... let me go..."

He didn't even dare to call, his eyes widened and looked at Chu Qingming, like a fish on the shore, a little dying.

"At the time, why didn't you let me go!"

Chu Qingming pulled out a large pile of tissues from the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I want you to die miserably, I am now 10,000 times miserable!"

Chu Qingming looked at him indifferently.

Lai Xumin dared not make any sound, nor did he dare to move his hands and feet. He was injured for a hundred days. Before he passed, his muscles and bones were not completely healed.

He was afraid that after he yelled, she would become more violent towards him. It was very scary to think about it.

Obviously he was just a child, how could it suddenly become so terrible.

When I pretended to be drunk, the crime was reduced.

And she...speaks out, no one will believe it at all.

Lai Xumin is very panicked now, but when facing Chu Qingming, he can't do anything.

"Flap. Pop. Pop—"

Because she was wearing gloves on her hands, the sounds she made were dull.

Although it was such a dull voice, it was not vague at all, and slapped Lai Xumin's face with one slap.

On the surface, he looks good, but the meat inside is actually rotten.

Chu Qingming stopped his hand, Lai Xumin couldn't see the mouth anymore, and the blood slowly flowed down with rotten flesh.

He was being slapped all the time. He was already a little groggy, but because of the pain, it irritated her all the time.

There seems to be a kind of nerve, shaking.

Lai Xumin's eyes were also swollen, and when he squinted at people, they were also blurred.

"Didn't you say that you are alcoholic and have mental problems? Can you avoid everything in this way? I want you to have real mental problems."

After Chu Qingming said these words indifferently, he left the hospital again.

Lai Xumin's mouth was broken and it was completely impossible to speak.

Lying here, he accused Chu Qingming again, but no one wanted to talk to him.

How could a nine-year-old girl do such a thing.

What's more, it was the little girl who had been hurt by him.

The police would never forget the little girl, as long as the mention of this matter, the poor little wince eyes.

How could it be him.

In the end, it was unanimously determined that he was mentally ill again and was directly sent to a mental hospital.

In fact, in country Y, all mentally ill persons who have committed crimes are kept in one place.

Those who commit crimes first, then those who are mentally ill, have to be locked up.

Now, Lai Xumin is locked in such a place, with iron bars on all sides and only one bed inside.

He was originally a pauper, and the only house he had was auctioned off to treat illness.

The limbs were broken before, and a lot of money has been spent, until the mouth rots, the face rots, and you have a lot of money.

Now it is locked up again, so it is naturally not taken seriously.

It's not a mental illness, it's vaguely like a real neurosis.

When Chu Qingming heard the news, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.