Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3489: Concubine Seeking Fairy 10

"It's all right so soon?"

"Just holding a token."

Hua Qingming raised the token in her hand and dangled it in front of her.

"It's just a token, the clothes inside the door, where's the pill and spirit stone!?"

Senior Sister Bai Yi rolled her eyes and looked at Hua Qingming's eyes, as if she was a mentally retarded, and she walked inside.

Hua Qingming also followed behind her, the disciple they faced together again.

"This junior girl just came here, what about her martial art costume, Lingshi and pill? Why don't you give it to her, is it because you want to swallow it privately?"

Senior Sister Bai Yi raised her eyebrows and looked at him, her voice rushing.

The disciple standing at the back, when seeing her look like this, immediately choked.

Obviously, that's what he thought.

Stunned for a while, he threw out a small storage bag.

"I just wanted to give it to her, but she walked so fast, I couldn't call her at all."

Both Hua Qingming and Sister Baiyi knew that he was a lie, and they didn't want to care about anything with him here.

"You take it!"

Sister Bai Yi asked Hua Qingming to take things and go out together.


Hua Qingming held the storage bag and pinched it tightly in the palm of his hand.

The two turned and walked outside, listening to a cool voice behind them as they walked.

"Even if you are holding a storage bag, there is no waste in a Qi training. Can you open this storage bag?"

Hua Qingming frowned slightly, her legs and feet did not stop, and she continued to walk forward.

When the two of them walked outside, the white-clothed woman saw Hua Qingming's expression still indifferent, and felt that her temperament was very good.

"In my house, there is another bed. Go live with me!"

She said with a smile.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!"

Hua Qingming looked at her with a smile, and nodded again.

"What do you call Senior Sister!?"

Hua Qingming walked side by side with her, and asked again.

"My name is Sun Piaopiao."

She looked at Hua Qingming, smiled slightly, and revealed her white teeth.

Sun Piaopiao, when Hua Qingming heard the name, he looked at her and when he walked, he seemed to be floating.

"Senior Sister should be Feng Linggen!?"

Hua Qingming asked.

"Well, yes!"

Sun Piaopiao nodded.

"Since it is Feng Linggen, why isn't Senior Sister a direct disciple?"

Hua Qingming was puzzled for a while. She remembered that Hua Manxue was the root of Shui Ling, so she was directly selected and became a direct disciple of Elder Yifeng.


When it comes to this topic, Sun Piaopiao seems a bit embarrassed.

"It's me who crossed it. Sister, you don't need to answer."

Hua Qingming also noticed that it was her own abruptness and waved her hand quickly.

"This is not a rare thing, the entire Sky Profound Sect knows it."

Sun Piaopiao also waved his hand, but it was a bit embarrassing to speak out his embarrassment lightly.

"I was actually selected by Luohua Peak. I stayed in Luohua Peak for a while. The juniors and sisters there didn't like me very much... Then I wanted to come out by myself!"

Sun Piaopiao scratched his head. He wanted to pretend to be unintentional, but the embarrassment on his face was still naked.


At this time, Hua Qingming didn't know how to speak, but just responded and nodded.

"Let's go!"

Sun Piaopiao led the way, Hua Qingming followed her, and soon arrived in a very...well, dilapidated room.