Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3498: Concubine Seeking Fairy 19

"Let's go!"

Qian Shanyue saw that Hua Manxue had said so, and now nodded, he was the leader of the team, and he basically listened to him when he came out to do tasks.

A group of people, only then allowed the one with a low level of cultivation to walk slowly outside in front.

Stuck in a burst of pitch black space, no one can see, Hua Manxue walked, and suddenly her left hand was grabbed by someone.

Then, at the same time, her right hand was also caught.

Hua Manxue knew that of these two hands, one belonged to Qianshanyue and the other belonged to Yuxin.

Only at this time, she was a little unclear about who was who.

However, she didn't shake off anyone, instead she hooked her little finger on the palm of their hand.

She is a concubine who has lived under the lewd power of Hua Qingming since she was a child, because her mother is just a medicine slave, and shamelessly seduce the drunk Hua Wuji.

In the world of Xiuxian, it is not easy to have a child, otherwise Hua Wuji and Mo Rongyan would not only have a daughter of Hua Qingming.

That medicine slave was supposed to be killed, but she was pregnant with flowers and snow in her belly.

She waited until she gave birth to the child and went to mother to keep the child.

Hua Manxue was brought up by a nanny since he was a child. Because of this humiliating birth, there was no early time in the mansion.

Often abused by Hua Qingming and scolded by Hua Qingming.

Precisely because she is a concubine, she knows how difficult it is to get everything she has now, and she wants more and more things.

Furthermore, she knew that after entering the world of cultivating immortals, it turned out that the strong respected the strong in this world.

Women are not accessories of men, as long as you are strong, you can have many types of men's spirit stones.

In their Sky Profound Sect, the only female elder, that's not it, although there is no partner, the man next to her. But it is very much, living very chic and moisturized.

She also wants to be like that in the future.

So now she must climb up step by step, and when she climbs up, she must also know that she needs a lot of stepping stones.

Yu Xin and Qian Shanyue, they are her stepping stones.

A stepping stone for her to lead the way to the former.

This Xiang Hua Manxue and others walked out step by step with their own thoughts.

Hua Qingming walked outside and was dragged outside by Mo Zhuochen. The two flew with swords and quickly got outside.

When she reached the shore before, Hua Qingming didn't find Sun Piaopiao, she guessed that she must have gone to the front.

"You can still ask me for something!?"

Mo Zhuochen put away his sword and looked at her.


Hua Qingming is so unclear.

"You helped me? I want to pay you."

Mo Zhuochen spoke very simple and clear, and Hua Qingming nodded as he listened.

"You have already given me the black dragon, I don't want anything else."

Hua Qingming shook his head, can't he be too greedy.

"Really not?"

Mo Zhuochen asked again.

"No more!"

Hua Qingming's words were very difficult to answer.

Please, is it really tangled to answer this kind of question?

Hua Qingming had a headache.

"I hope you won't regret it later!"

Mo Zhuochen dropped these words and left.

Hua Qingming looked at his back with a face of inexplicable expression.

She turned her head and walked forward along the shore to find Sun Piaopiao.