Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3616: The Marshal Bride 36

"Then why are you talking like this all of a sudden?"

Zhang Dingtian raised his eyebrows and looked at her again.

"My feeling! No way!"

Yu Qingming glared at him.


Zhang Dingtian nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and hugged Yu Qingming in his arms.

"Then did you agree?"

Yu Qingming asked aloud, she was wrapped in front of her chest by Zhang Dingtian, and her voice was muffled.

Zhang Dingtian held Yu Qingming's shoulders with both hands, and his narrow eyes met her.

"I don't want to put my woman in danger."

Zhang Dingtian spoke word by word, his expression very serious.

"Look! Sure enough, it is dangerous. I want to stay with you instead of staying at home alone. Think about it. Think about it. You take me out and take a woman. Do people treat you lightly? Out of contempt, this way you are in an active position, and unexpected victory is at your fingertips. In addition, I am not a simple woman. I can martial arts. I am your bodyguard. Someone is holding me and threatening you. If it’s true, I can control others, you say it’s great, not great!”

Yu Qingming immediately explained the pros and cons that he could help.

Zhang Dingtian looked at her and shook his head unbearably.

"You're really not a simple woman, this mouth can be used as a lobbyist."

Even if he said that, Yu Qingming still saw a certain smile in his eyes.

"Did you agree!?"

Yu Qingming asked him again, and at the same time he spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook his hand.


Zhang Dingtian stretched out his hand and hugged her again.

"Well, let's go to the front to observe the ceremony, and when it's over, we will go back!"

Zhang Dingtian released her body, took her hand again, and walked forward.

Liu Fusheng's wedding was held at home. He was a soldier and he was wearing a military uniform.

Zhao Yundi is wearing a white wedding dress, which is obviously a festive day, but Zhao Yundi's expression is full of tears.

Zhao Yundi is long and beautiful, which men will like.

But in his wedding day, it was such a bitter face, which was really disgusting.

Many people, looking at Zhao Yundi's eyes, became uncomfortable.

Seeing Zhang Dingtian coming, Zhao Yundi's eyes suddenly seemed to be lit stars.

Liu Fusheng, who was standing beside Zhao Yundi, changed his expression slightly.

Zhang Dingtian's eyes were indifferent, he glanced at Zhao Yundi who was suddenly excited, and then tightly held Yu Qingming in his arms.

Zhao Yundi has been fantasizing that Zhang Dingtian will come over and take her away, but the way he is now is not...

Suddenly, Zhao Yundi's face turned gray again, and the expression in Zhang Dingtian's eyes was full of despair.

She hates the teasing of fate and prevents herself from meeting him earlier.

I also hate my inability to block the people in the family.

I hate Qing Ming's unfeeling even more, if she agrees to let herself stay at their home, everything will be different.

She complained about anyone, but she never complained about Zhang Dingtian.

He is her god, the one she loves, so how can he be willing to complain.

The waiting has not waited, everything is already a certainty.

Zhao Yundi didn't look forward to it anymore. She was supported by the people behind her and held a wedding with Liu Fusheng.