Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 368: Husband is a bad guy 2

And he was replaced by the wrong one, and finally grew up in the country... Obviously he should be the daughter of the eldest daughter... Zuo Qingming.

Because of the wrong change, the lady from Hou's House naturally refused to come back. Mrs. Hou's had feelings with her again, but seeing her own flesh and blood in the country like this, she couldn’t bear to be a country girl. , They also took her to the capital.

Because the girl who has been growing up in the Hou Mansion has been educated since childhood, and she is a pretty lady.

The owner went, and found that he couldn't compare anything with her, and his heart gradually became unbalanced.

The young lady of the Hou Mansion grew up by her side, and she was very popular with everyone.

Zuo Qingming wanted to compare her with her everywhere, but it was incomparable. He wanted to learn from her, but he was not an anti-dog like a tiger.

In the end...Miss Hou Mansion was favored by the prince, and she was about to become the prince concubine.

Zuo Qingming is not calm in all kinds of things, all of these should be hers.

But why everything has changed now.

Under Zuo Qingming's unwillingness, her little friend who grew up with her, in Beijing, not only won the champion.

Because of Zuo Qingming, he did all the bad things for her, and finally ruined the marriage between Miss Houfu and the third prince.

However, Zuo Qingming did not marry in this way. Even if she was there, she couldn't change the fact that she grew up in the country.

Zuo Qingming didn't understand again, why all this is like this.

Later, what Zuo Qingming had done was exploded. She became a rat that everyone shouted and beaten, and the Hou Mansion also disgusted her.

She was sent to practice in the family temple of Hou Mansion.

While in the temple, she was assassinated by the Miss Houfu.

Because of her, the murderous Miss Houfu ruined the famous festival, and finally did not marry the three princes, but married a man as the successor.

His childhood sweetheart killed the third Miss Hou Mansion again, and also killed herself.

When Ji Qingming opened his eyes, he was already dizzy by the thick dog blood in the plot.

She lay helplessly on the bed. This time, her wish was to live a good life with her adoptive father and mother, and then marry the person who treated her well.

Never go to the capital again, never go to the Houfu again.

No longer will be dazzled by those prosperity, she will live this life peacefully.

Ji Qingming feels that this wish of hers is still easy to solve. At least, if you don't go to the capital, you should not be intrigue. It is in this countryside, which is actually not bad!

Want to play this is not bad, she looked at the surrounding environment, and finally swallowed silently.

It's okay if you don't swallow your saliva. Once you swallow your saliva, you feel the pain in your throat.

She knew that it was because she was saving people that she fell into the water along with her, and because she drank too much water, she almost died.

Later, there was another cold and another cold, and my throat was also aching.

So far, it has been painful.

The person rescued was a small bean sprout...that is, the childhood sweetheart. It seemed that it was because of this time to save his life that the childhood sweetheart's little bean sprout was accepted by his body.

Because Zuo Qingming is only nine years old and a half-year-old child, Xiaodou Sprout is two years older than her. Because of her thinness, the strong Zuo Qingming was rescued together when the adults arrived. .

Of course, if an adult comes here a while later, both of them will die.