Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3745: Planet Social Flower 1

Qingming put this on the collar again, and it flashed and heated for a while, then the news would come.

Soon, Yu Dongchen also returned to normal, and the lips of the two touched together.

"Ding Dong-the system prompts that the task is complete, Li Daitao is stiff, use OR and don't use it."


Qing Ming chose to use it straightforwardly, and soon her soul returned to the starry sky.

"Continue to the next mission?"

Ji Zeya asked aloud.

"I have a question?"

This question has always been die-cast in her heart, and none of them has been answered.

"Say it!?"

Ji Zeya nodded slightly.

"A person has three souls and seven souls. Every time I am taken from these people, his soul is extracted. Isn't he missing a soul, isn't it..."

Qing Ming frowned and asked.


Ji Zeya shook her head.

"People who have A Jin’s soul are all three souls and eight souls... They are very good people themselves, but because they have A Jin’s soul, they have become even more powerful... You took A Jin away. For them, it makes no difference!"

"So that's it!"

Qing Ming nodded, since this is the case, then she can rest assured.

"Go on to the next task!"

Qing Ming looked at Ji Zeya with a smile.


Ji Zeya nodded slightly, and a beam of light in her hand immediately enveloped Qingming.

In the next second, she came into the new world.

When she opened her eyes, she suddenly found herself lying in a transparent cabin with a transparent top.

What kind of place is this, she closed her eyes again and began to accept the plot.

The original owner's name was Pan Qingming, and he was an agent with keen skills.

This is the eve of the fall of the earth, because human reproduction and excessive mining have made the earth overwhelmed.

Scientists also predict that the earth will be destroyed in a few years.

Therefore, the United Nations sent some people to explore another planet to see if that planet can allow humans to live.

If you can, you can migrate.

Qingming was one of these people, sitting very far to explore the alien planet.

Who knows, when I was still on the road, I met a lurker and killed everyone in the cabin.

Pan Qingming also knew when he died. It turns out that there is another alien on this earth. They are aliens in order to survive on the earth.

Their own planet perished in mining and reproduction.

Knowing that the earth has reached this level, they began to think about **** all the people on the earth.

They came to occupy the earth by themselves, they didn't want it, and continued to live a life of displacement.

So I thought of a strategy that caused these scientists to die in the cabin. On the other hand, they were spreading cults on the earth.

In the end, all the people on the earth were slaughtered...

The earth was occupied by aliens, and it was given another name.

After Pan Qingming had absorbed the plot, he was amazed.

Now think about it, compared with this one, the plots that I have traveled before are really LOW. This is simply Star Wars!

It's really...too awesome...

The original owner's wish is actually very simple, that he doesn't want to die, especially if he is so useless. How can I say that he is also an agent.