Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3748: Planet Social Flower 4

Moreover, all the remaining material and manpower of various countries need to be concentrated on confrontation. In this worldwide coup, the "United Nations Space Program Immigration Bureau" that sent Qingyou into space did not escape infiltration, and was controlled by the "Brotherhood" before the war officially started.

And all this is what happened after Qingyou and others left the earth! So on this spacecraft, no one knows everything that happened on the earth except Qing You, who has the memory of "past life".

They only know that half a year ago, the headquarters on the earth suddenly lost contact. They thought it was an abnormal communication after a space jump, but this abnormal event was a bit too long.

At this moment, everyone stood up, left the bright hall, and walked towards the bar, the only entertainment place on the spacecraft.

Here, friends who haven’t seen each other for a year started talking about reunion. Those who were awake were talking about the beauty of space they had seen during the year, while those who had fallen asleep were talking about the year. Dreams I've had.

Everyone talked very happily.

Pan Qingyou didn't participate in their conversation. The original owner didn't like to talk, and he didn't have any common language with them.

Most of these people are cutting-edge scientists on the earth, and she was recruited as a combatant. Only four combatants were recruited together. At the same time, she was one of the few women on the spaceship.

Among them, there are only three women, but the other two are biologists and one medical scientist.

There has always been no intersection between Pan Qingming and them.

Pan Qingming didn't plan to tell everyone at this time that everything that happened on the earth, she felt that what she said now would only lead to the turmoil of the entire spacecraft, and at the same time, the crisis hidden in it might come early. Now she can only take a step and look at it.

Rush action will bring dire consequences.

What's more, even if she said it now, no one would believe her, she would still think she was alarmist, and perhaps she would still say that she confuses the public.

After many hours of reminiscence of the past, the previous group of people will go to sleep again.

So everyone also came to the previous hall of light.

Everyone in Group B began to undress and enter the capsule, but everyone's expressions were different, some were reluctant, and some were smiling.

Pan Qingming didn't pay attention to them, but left silently. She knew that from now on, many things would begin to change, and she would be ready for everything that was to come.

Another combatant in Group A also left after Qingming left, not knowing if he returned to his room.

After everyone left, the door closed again.

This door is also exquisite. It cannot be opened by one person. It requires the identification of three people to open it. This is also for safety reasons.

Of the four scientists in Group A, two of them are women. The reason why all three women are arranged in a group is that women are always easier to talk to each other.

But this doesn't apply to Qingming, because she doesn't like to talk.

The other two women, one is Anna, a Chinese American. She graduated from the Biology Department of Yale University and is currently a PhD supervisor in Biology at Yale University and has her own studio.