Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 375: My husband is a bad guy 9

Zuo Daquan was still picking up the rice. At this time, he also looked towards Zuo Qingming with his big, embarrassing eyes.

Seeing his parents' eyes turned towards him, Zuo Qingming laughed.


"Are you talking for that kid!?"

Zuo Daquan asked.

When I thought, my daughter was also nine years old. Could it be that the young girl Sichun has fallen in love with that kid and has reached an endless state of death?

So when I saw that kid fell into the water, did he jump down regardless of whether he was in the water?

Is she planning to go down with that kid if it can't be saved?

Zuo Daquan thought more and more, his face looked like this o(╯□╰)o.

My own daughter, although she was not spoiled and raised up with care, but she actually went like this for a boy like a bean sprout, /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~.

Zhao Biniang's expression is also very subtle. The two couples have a good point in common, and they both want to go together.

So at this time, their eyes met in the air for dozens of seconds, and the last two people learned from the pain and made a decision.

Now that the daughters are all like this, they have all reached the point of dying for love, they don't want white-haired people to send black-haired people!

The last two people looked at Zuo Qingming helplessly together, and nodded helplessly.

╮(╯▽╰)╭My daughter, just gave one bean sprout, which I didn’t care about.

Zuo Daquan thought in his heart, it seems that he will go hunting more in the mountains and come back, and then send it to the kid's house to help him.

"Forget it, I can't help it, you like it!"

After Zhao Biniang sighed again, she took a bite of rice with her chopsticks.

Zuo Daquan also picked up the chopsticks and ate.

Zuo Qingming's face was dark, looking at them (⊙o⊙)...what happened to his parents.

But looking at their expressions, Zuo Qingming also thought of something. At this time, he had to sigh, how broad his father and mother's brain circuits are.

Since they misunderstood, let's misunderstand it for so long!

Anyway, my goal has been achieved.

It's just that Zuo Qingming didn't expect that because she was silent at this time, Zuo Daquan and his wife even believed that their daughter was the bean sprout-like man who was miserable.

But neither of them said anything. If your daughter is good, they are good, and everyone is good.

A meal ended in such a strange atmosphere.

Zuo Qingming went back to bed refreshed, but Zuo Daquan and Zhao Biniang could not sleep for a long time.

╮(╯▽╰)╭, there is no way!

"The head of the house, what should you do if that kid from the Su family becomes the champion man!?"

Zhao Biniang sighed helplessly.

"This is a good thing, why are you still worried about this."

In fact, Zuo Daquan couldn't sleep because of these things, but it was not as long-term as Zhao Biniang thought.

"You want, if he becomes the champion, would he like to add fragrance to the red sleeves, but we don't understand anything in Qingming, and we didn't let her read!"

Zhao Biniang said her hidden worries, (⊙v⊙), her eyes at this time are so big, sad! !

"Otherwise I will let Qingming learn something! It will be easier to live in the future!"