Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 377: My husband is a bad guy 11

It is also used to early to bed and early to rise.

She got up and found that her whole body had inexhaustible power.

In fact, she hasn't seen what she looks like until now, but it's not ugly to look at Zhao Biniang and Zuo Daquan. Zhao Biniang's appearance is at least a flower in their village before.

At this time, Zuo Qingming felt that he was very powerful again. At this moment, he felt a little cold in his heart and went out to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Although the family doesn't have much money, I really love this daughter. Others use willow trees and coarse salt to brush their teeth.

They had bought Zuo Qingming's kind of small toothbrush and tooth powder in the town. Although Zuo Qingming was still unaccustomed to using it, he still felt the deep love in it.

While washing his face, Zuo Qingming saw his reflection in the copper basin. Although he couldn't really see it, he also saw a delicate face.

Goose-egg face, fleshy face, a pair of almond eyes that seem to be moisturized as smoke and rain, tall nose, and pink lips.

Seeing such a look, Zuo Qingming was still very satisfied.

After all, regardless of the age, it is a matter of face.

This is a cruel topic, but it is so realistic.

After washing his face, Zuo Qingming found out strangely that there was no one in his house.

She went to the door of her parents' house, and the kang was neatly cleaned, but there was no one.

The chicks outside were also released from the chicken coop, leisurely on the grass, looking for bugs to eat.

Strange, where did everyone go.

Zuo Qingming went to the kitchen on one side and opened the lid to see that there was gruel and small steamed buns in it.

Zuo Qingming filled a bowl of porridge, took another steamed bun, and sat and ate breakfast.

In fact, in the countryside, such a standard of living is already an upper-middle standard of living.

After eating breakfast, Zuo Qingming wandered around the house for a while, her parents still disappeared, and she felt strange for a while.

Dad went hunting in the mountains, it is possible, but where did my mother go!

Zuo Qingming cleaned the house once, washed the clothes in the house, and dried the clothes all the time. Only then did he watch Zhao Biniang come back from a distance.

From a distance, the look on his face was still very unhappy.

Zuo Qingming was puzzled for a while, walked to the fence and waited for Zhao Biniang until Zhao Biniang came to him, then asked again.

"Mother, where did you go this early?"

Zuo Qingming took the basket in her hand.

The fire in Zhao Biniang's belly was originally seen, but when she saw Zuo Qingming's small face from a distance, the anger in her belly was half gone.

"I also met a Poppi rogue!"

Zhao Biniang said irritably.

Originally, she found the Li's family and explained the reason. Who knows the little widow, she opened the door and said that the old mother had left.

Later, he ridiculed that these were all mud legs in the country, and they had to learn from the noble people in the city. It was really laughable.

Zhao Biniang did not invite anyone, but was angry with her.

Later, she asked the people around her carefully.

It turned out that the mother Li came back with a large sum of money. She wanted to rely on her nephew to take care of her life. The nephew was fine, but after she built a house and married a wife, she gave her money. The money was cheated, and she was swept out again.

Actually speaking, that old man is quite pitiful.