Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3908: President, take me away 47

Fu Tianya asked.

"Aren't you all with Lu Zhiqi? Holding such a big leg, are you afraid of not eating?"

If Fu Wenlang didn't say this, Fu Tianya would still be easier to accept.

Hugging the big-leg, hehe, she did hold the big-leg just now, but she was kicked away in minutes.

"What if I don't give it to you?"

Fu Tianya's voice became very cold.

"Don't give it to me... you know? Unless you don't want to be with Lu Zhiqi anymore!"

Fu Wenlang mentioned Lu Zhiqi's voice again.

"How can I give it to you!"

Fu Tianya's expression was gloomy.

"Come to my house!!"

After saying this, Fu Wenlang hung up the phone.

Fu Tianya stood up from the ground and looked at the room again.

Her expression is lonely, Lu Zhiqi, Lu Zhiqi...

He doesn't want himself anymore, what is Fu Wenlang still threatening himself with?

Without Lu Zhiqi, he would be equivalent to nothing.

She who has nothing, or what else does it mean?

Then go to death everyone!

Fu Tianya also took a look at Lu Zhiqi's room.

This is one's own man, if he can't get it, then everyone can't get it.

On the coffee table, Fu Tianya took a fruit knife and walked to the door of Lu Zhiqi's room.

She pinned her right hand behind her, and gently opened the door of his room with her left hand.

"Didn't I let you go?"

Lu Zhiqi was reading a book, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Fu Tianya coming in. He threw the book in his hand at Fu Tianya's face angrily.

"I came to see you for the last time!!"

The book smashed into the face and then fell to the floor.

Fu Tianya walked towards the landing stage step by step, holding the fruit knife in her right hand, but she used a slight force.

Lu Zhiqika pressed her toward her, frowning in disgust.

Until Fu Tianya walked up to him, when he was about to say something disgustingly, he felt a flash of white light before his eyes.

Then there was a sting in his throat, and then, he looked down, blood was spraying from his neck.


Pain swept him.

"You are mine, I can't get you... I won't let others get you..."

Fu Tianya's eyes were a little violent, and her voice was a little hoarse till the end.


Blood was constantly pouring out of his neck, Lu Zhiqi covered it with one hand, but the blood still spurted down.

Before he touched his mobile phone with his hand, he fell into shock.

"Haha—you are mine!"

Fu Tianya threw the fruit knife on the ground, held the face of the landing stage in both hands, and kissed his warm lips.

Kissing, kissing, her mouth was also stained with his blood.

Fu Tianya released her hand, stretched out her tongue-licked her head.

"I'll be with you right away, you are waiting for me!"

As Fu Tianya said, she took a deep look at Lu Zhiqi, and she went to change her clothes.

She wants everyone she hates to die together.

After that, she will die by Lu Zhiqi's side, die with him, and let their blood mix together.

So in the next life, can they become people who love each other?

Fu Tianya found out one of her favorite dresses and drove out, she went straight to Fu Wenlang's apartment.