Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 394: My husband is a bad guy 28

As for the other things, some were given to her by Su Yue over the years, and they were all small things he made by hand.

There is also the first piece of veil her mother embroidered, a beast bone necklace worn by her father, and the peach hairpin made by Aunt Su...

Each is a kind of memory, until Zuo Qingming took the burden out, Zhao Biniang's eyes were moistened again.

Little girls go out with big bags, not to mention the ladies in the wealthy family.

But in Qingming, their house was carrying a small cloth bag.

Zhao Biniang thought it over, and then went to the capital. The baggage of gold at home was enough for Qingming to live a good life.

At the thought of the happy life in the future, Zhao Biniang's mouth curled up with a smile.

After a while, Su Yue brought a carriage over.

"This is a gift from the teacher."

Su Yue asked them to put their things on the carriage. There were two good horses in front of them. The four of them were sitting in the carriage, and they were also good at the front.

Fortunately, the place where they live is not too far away from the capital, only ten days away, so if you walk around and rest, you are about to reach the capital.

As a result, the family entrusted everything at home to their neighbors.

The neighbors looked at them and helped take care of the chickens and ducks. They didn't need their own food. The raw eggs and ducks were all for themselves. Naturally, they readily agreed.

He looked at Su Yue as an official, and even said he would help clean the house in the future.

So, the people from the Zuo family left the village and walked towards the capital.

After they left, Sun Dahua later realized that her son had gone to the capital to enjoy the blessing. He went to the neighbor's house to make a fuss for a long time, and then went back crying again.

I really regret it. I was blinded by lard, so go ahead and do it.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

Because the village is not far from the capital, the family walks through the pipeline, and the public security is also very good.

As a big family, it's like going out to travel, stop and go, and take a break when they meet the inn.

Just before reaching the capital, the family stopped again and checked into the inn.

Because even when I arrived in the capital, there was a curfew and I couldn't get in.

So everyone stayed in an inn and left early tomorrow, so that they would be able to reach the capital at noon.

This is also convenient.

Six people still asked for three rooms, one for Qingming and Zhao Biniang, one for Mother Li and Aunt Su, and one for Su Yue and Zuo Daquan.

After packing up the things, the few people went down to eat.

Just after doing it, I smelled a gust of fragrant wind coming in.

Then there was another rushing sound, and a large group of entourage came in with a young lady.

The young lady wears a veil on her head and can't see her face clearly, but she can see the pair of cut water eyes, which makes her mind tremble.

She was wearing a lake-blue embroidered butterfly dress, and the butterflies on the corners of the skirt were all vivid, almost flying.

On her feet she wore a pair of brocade shoes with a cloud-toe pattern with a treasure-like pattern, and there were huge pearls on the vamp, which seemed to be visible as she walked.

"Miss, the people below are so messy, let's eat in the room!"

An old mother said something in the ear of the young lady.


The young lady walked forward without squinting, and the brigade around her also followed.