Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3958: The woman in the closet 25

Jin Qingming spread his hands and said nothing.

"Then how much do you want?"

Zhou Enping gritted his teeth and asked.

"One hundred million."

After Jin Qingming said these words, Zhou Enping's expression changed, and the people behind her gasped.

"You are really greedy!"

Zhou Enping looked at her eyes and turned cold suddenly.

"In business talk business."

Jin Qingming smiled. Anyway, he was talking about one-to-one trading.

There is no family relationship between them.

"Don't agree?"

Jin Qingming frowned.

"Okay, I promise!!"

Thinking that Zhou Enping should have been forced to a certain path, she nodded and agreed.

"Then I will transfer the money to your account in a few days, and you must come to Zhou's old house that day."

Zhou Enping said.

"Transfer money first, I'm going."

Jin Qingming waved his hand.

"If you go to the old house, I will transfer the money to you!"

Zhou Enping frowned. Although he said that this matter was a bit imminent, he couldn't let her be so ruined.

"Not negotiable."

Jin Qingyang refused.

"Okay, I promise you!!"

Zhou Enping had no way, so she had to agree.

"Then I won't send you off!"

Jin Qingming is still sitting there, already talking to see off the guests.

"Am I your grandmother?"

Zhou Enping looked at Jin Qingming with a strange look in his eyes.

This girl, like her, is the kind of indifferent and ruthless person.

"If you want to come, you don't see me as a granddaughter!"

Jin Qingming followed and looked at Zhou Enping's face. He was a cold, unforgiving person.

After all, Zhou Younian was forced into a neurosis, which shows that this old woman's skill is very profound.

Oil and salt don't get in!

Zhou Enping didn't say anything any more, she stood up, brought her group of people mightily, and left again.

The door was closed from the outside, and Jin Qingming lay relaxed on the sofa again.

Give her a hundred million, haha, do you really think she will do it?

Thinking of that kind of insidious old woman, it seems that there are so many moves in her hands.

The previous teahouse was very strange.

She must be trying to use some evil tricks to confuse her!

Jin Qingming sneered.

If you want to be a puppet, don't look at whether you have that ability.

In the following days, Jin Qingming basically stayed at home to practice.

More than ten years have passed, and Zhou Enping has not waited for the money to be sent to himself, and Jin Qingming is not in a hurry.

The worst thing she has now is money.

That night, Jin Qingming rarely wanted to practice, and wanted to go to bed early.

At night, I suddenly felt cold. The doors and windows in the house were obviously closed, but there was a gust of wind blowing over.

Jin Qingming frowned, feeling that something must be happening at home. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly saw a person standing by the door.

She is used to it. When she sleeps, there is a wall lamp in the house that turns on.

The light of the wall lamp is yellowish.

The man stood there with his head bowed, his back hunched, and it looked terrifying.

It's like a ghost.

Jin Qingming sat up, stretched out his hand to turn on the light on one side, and suddenly found that the light at home could no longer be turned on.

"You are not naive, you are a lot of age and still pretend to be a ghost. If you are pretending to be a child of Zhou, at least you have to keep your head up!"