Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4098: Forgotten Fiancee 14

This **** Fang family just deceived them for three years. In the past three years, how much their family has helped their Fang family.


The Fang family's heart is really black.

I originally thought that there was such a male in their family that he would not be cursed, but he did not expect that this male was still a girl.


This also shows that the curse of the Fang family has not been solved at all.

Such people really deserve it.

Yun Huilian's expression became more and more indifferent.

"Okay, you rest first. The girl fell into the water. This is a big deal. Although it is summer now, you can't take it seriously. You have to drink all the medicine for you these few days."

Yun Huilian asked again.

"I see, mother!"


Yun Huilian stretched out her hand again, and gently stroked her forehead twice before she stopped.

"Then you have a good rest!"


Le Qingming closed his eyes here and gradually fell asleep.

Yun Huilian was always watching her from the side.

Fang House.

When Fang Liancheng woke up, he was in the Buddhist hall.

I was uncomfortable. I was beaten by the **** Le Qingming in the water before, and my whole body hurts.

Fang Liancheng was lying on this floor, suddenly feeling a bit cold, she sat up, looked at her body, wearing a woman's skirt, her face changed drastically.

"You still know that you are afraid!?"

The old lady Fang sat in the dark, looking at Fang Liancheng indifferently.

"Grandma, what happened?"

Fang Liancheng's face was pale, she knew what was going on when she went out for men's clothing and came back for her women's clothing.

This is a big deal.

Fang Liancheng felt that his body was weak, and he was just about to get up, his legs and feet were soft, and he still knelt on the ground.

The old lady Fang came out from a dark place with incense smelling all over her body.

"You have been raised as a boy since you were young. Why are you so impetuous now? Sure enough, the girl is still a girl, with a simple vision, and our family is hopeless."

The old lady Fang looked at Fang Liancheng with disappointed eyes.

A person who was already very old, at this time, looked even more old and defeated.

"No, who said it!!"

Fang Liancheng stood up abruptly, "I don't believe it. If I'm a daughter, I won't be able to support the Fang family, I don't believe it!"

Fang Liancheng stared at the old lady Fang.

"Do you know that the Le family will never suppress us at all about our fraudulent marriage."

The old lady Fang also felt ridiculous looking at her look at this moment.

When did she become so confident.

In order to take revenge, Le Jia would not let go of this opportunity.

"I believe in life from desperation."

Fang Liancheng stared at the expression of the old lady Fang.

"Really? Then I'll wait."

The old lady Fang said coldly.

"Then you live well and wait!"

Fang Liancheng stood up, finished speaking indifferently, and walked out of the Buddhist hall.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

At home, without family affection, she feels like a tool.

To be honest, she is a little envious of Le Qingming, at least her family is happy.

Whenever there is something, everyone in the family is helping her. As for herself, when there is something, everything is being carried by herself.

Just when I woke up, I was on the floor of the Buddhist hall, not on the bed.