Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4099: Forgotten Fiancee 15

There is no **** soup to keep away the cold, there is no gentle wind and drizzle, and some are just blame.

No matter if Fang Liancheng is a man or not, she must be like a man, standing upright and living well.

Fang Liancheng asked people to prepare the thorns, and returned to the room, with tears in Xiaoyu's eyes, and brought the **** tea to her.

"Miss, you drank this **** tea and were taking a hot bath."

Xiaoyu looked at Fang Liancheng and knew that she was discovered. She was both happy and uncomfortable. On the one hand, she hoped that she could be a daughter, and knew that she could be more upright in the future, but on the other hand, she felt She will work harder.

"Small fish is best."

Fang Liancheng drank the cup of **** tea.

"Miss, go take a hot bath again to get out of the cold!"

When Xiao Yu'er saw that she was going to go out, she could see that the young lady's hair was still wet.

"It's okay, I'll go out to do something first, and come back to take a bath."

Fang Liancheng put the tea cup in his hand on the table,

She then walked out again with a cold expression.


Fang Liancheng was no longer outside when Xiaoyu chased him out.


Xiaoyu sighed long, looking at Fang Liancheng's back, a little sad.

Fang Liancheng carried the thorns on his back. It was summer and his clothes were very thin. The thorns soon pierced the skin and blood was printed.

Every step Fang Liancheng took, he felt extremely painful.

She didn't use any tools, she walked to Lejia.

Although it was night, there were still many people, watching the excitement, and followed Fang Liancheng all the way to Le's house.

In Fang Liancheng's men's clothing, he thickened his eyebrows, and now he has washed the plumes, and the appearance of thorns on his body is very pitiful.

"The Fang family came to admit their mistakes, hoping to be forgiven."

Fang Liancheng stood in front of Le's house, yelled, and knelt on the ground.

The fact that Fang Liancheng was kneeling in front of the door with thorns on his back soon reached the ears of the Le family.

Le Jia was really angry and wanted to vomit blood. I have to say that this Fang Liancheng was really cunning, and would use the pity of others as a tool.

They have been scammed for three years. Among them, they don't know how much business has been given to the Fang family. The Fang family is so despicable and shameless. It is shameful to think about things like fraudulent marriages.

Now go to the door, kneel down, is this all done?

Of course it can't be done! Le Jia would not agree.

No one from Le's family went out, Fang Liancheng just knelt in front of the door, his body swaying.

"If Fang Liancheng is alone, if it is useless, add my old bone!"

The old lady Fang was supported by someone and also knelt in front of Le's house.

After the old lady Fang got down on her knees, she became angry when she looked around.

Looking at Fang Liancheng and the old lady Fang, kneeling here like this, I also feel that the Fang family is actually quite pitiful.

At this time, the man in black who was walking on the road also stopped and looked at the farce in front of him.

"My family is already a laughingstock in this Yongzhou city. I'm not afraid that everyone will look down on me... I don't want to lie. When I lie, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. If I can, I don’t want to. Hope this happens..."