Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4216: Because of love 21

"I don't want to, I know you want to be together! But if I don't agree to divorce, you just don't want to be together!"

Zhao Yongqiang put his hands around his chest, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"I beg you, let me go!"

Bu Mianmian knelt on the ground, kowtow to Zhao Yongqiang.

"I just didn't let it go."

Zhao Yongqiang sneered and looked at Bu Mianmian.

Bu Mianmian knelt there, his expression changed.

"Mianmian, what do you care about him? There is no such procedure. We don't get a marriage certificate. As long as we love each other and we stay together, that's fine!"

Ying Yizhe walked in and stretched out his hand to pull Bu Mianmian up.


Listening to what he said, Bu Mianmian couldn't help nodding his head again and again.

After nodding, he took Ying Yizhe's hand again, and wanted to leave with him.

"let's go!"

Ying Yizhe took her hand, and the two of them were about to walk outside.

"The one who took me wants to leave!"

Zhao Yongqiang hit Ying Yizhe with a fist in the face. Ying Yizhe was obviously of the weak scholar type. After being punched by him, it was obvious that he was not good enough.

The body was crumbling.

"Azhe, are you okay!"

Bu Mianmian was crying if he was worried.

Although Ying Yizhe was invincible, he still had to be brave in front of Bu Mianmian, and he couldn't just drop the chain in front of Bu Mianmian.

Therefore, Ying Yizhe and Zhao Yongqiang fought together in full swing.

Bu Mianmian wanted to pull Zhao Yongqiang away, but was also pushed to the ground by Zhao Yongqiang.

The final result, of course, was that Ying Yizhe was beaten by Zhao Yongqiang on the ground.

"I tell you little white face, don't rely on your own money, just be a demon here!"

With a bang, Zhao Yongqiang closed the door, and then locked the door again.

"Zhao Yongqiang, you let me out!"

Bu Mianmian lay on the door and looked outside through the cat's eye. You could still see Ying Yizhe lying on the ground.

"Don't let it go."

Zhao Yongqiang snorted coldly, he just wanted to kill them.

Bu Mianmian lay down on the cat's eye anxiously, and kept calling Ying Yizhe's name.

Ying Yizhe did not disappoint her expectations, and slowly got up from the ground, his body swaying.

"Mianmian, don't worry, I will definitely bring you out."

After saying this, Ying Yizhe left staggeringly.

Because of these words, Bu Mianmian also began to wait idiotically.

After half a month, Zhao Yongqiang said that he would divorce her.

"What, are you saying it again?"

Bu Mianmian looked at Zhao Yongqiang in surprise, as if he didn't believe his ears, he... actually agreed to divorce him.

"I said, I divorced you."

Zhao Yongqiang looked at her so happy at this moment, but also found it funny.


Bu Mianmian responded and nodded again.

It's really great, I have recovered my free body, and I can go to Azhe right away.

Bu Mianmian excitedly followed Zhao Yongqiang to divorce. After Zhao Yongqiang watched Bu Mianmian leave happily, he got into a car on the side of the road again.

Ding Qingming watched Zhao Yongqiang get in the car.

"Miss Ding."

Zhao Yongqiang said hello respectfully.

"You did very well."

Ding Qingming stretched out his hand and handed the envelope to him.


Zhao Yongqiang took it and opened the envelope again, with two million inside.