Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4217: Because of love 22

"Thank you Miss Ding."

Zhao Yongqiang repeatedly thanked him, although he didn't know exactly what hatred Ding Qingming and Ying Yizhe had.

Spend so much money, so much energy to punish them.

"This is what you deserve!"

Ding Qingming looked at her with a slight smile on his lips.

"thanks, thanks!"

Zhao Yongqiang hurriedly said thank you.

After getting off the car, Zhao Yongqiang watched Ding Qingming's car go away again.

He scratched his head, really didn't expect that he would have this kind of adventure.

Zhao Yongqiang's mood is very good.

Ding Qingming sat in the car, looked out the window, and asked the driver to drive to the vicinity of Yingyizhe's villa.

I should be able to see an annual drama in a while.

Bu Mianmian thought that he would come back long and wait, it would be true love.

It seemed that she was really going to disappoint her.

The driver's car drove very quickly, and it was near Ying Yizhe's house all at once.

From a distance, Ding Qingming saw Bu Mianmian standing in front of Ying Yizhe's house crying.

Looks sad!

Ding Qingming asked the driver to drive the car closer, so that it was easier to appreciate the wonderful performance of Bu Mianmian afterwards.

During the ten days when Bu Mianmian was locked up by Zhao Yongqiang.

Ying Yizhe had been compromised by his family a long time ago, and made himself like this for a woman.

His family is definitely unwilling.

As a result, Ying Yizhe was locked up, and later showed her affection and moved her with reason.

People who are above love like Ying Yizhe naturally don't listen.

There is no way for Ying's family, so it's best to do what he likes, keep introducing the rich girl, and meet him by chance. In the end, let's not say, I meet someone I like.

Ying Yizhe was indulged in the new love and completely forgot about Bu Mianmian.

Of course, Bu Mianmian doesn't know here, she is waiting for love.

"Ying Yizhe, come out!?"

Bu Mianmian stood in front of the gate, pressing a button on one side, and shouting inside.

"Ying Yizhe, what's the matter with you, I'm divorced, I'm here...Is it a bit long before I let you wait!?"

Bu Mianmian looked at the camera on the door in despair, showing a miserable expression.

After waiting for a long time, Bu Mianmian then you saw Ying Yizhe coming from a distance.

The look of surprise had just appeared on his face, and then disappeared.

Along with Ying Yizhe, there was a woman.

Seeing all this in front of him, Bu Mianmian was dumbfounded in fright.

This...what the **** is going on, this is not the love I hope for.

Ying Yizhe stretched out his hand to embrace a woman, he walked, and looked sideways at the woman, with a sweet smile on his face.

The woman also responded with a sweet smile.

Bu Mianmian stepped back in disbelief, and his eyes were completely dull.

What is going on with this...?

I just came out a bit late, as if everything had changed.

What are these...what happened?

Ying Yizhe hugged the woman, walked in front of Bu Mianmian's, and smiled in spring breeze.

"Aze, what are you?"

Bu Mianmian stretched out his hand, trembling and clinging to Ying Yizhe.

"This is my wife, my true love... Mianmian, do you bless me?"

Ying Yizhe looked at Bu Mianmian with a smile, and asked aloud.