Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4239: Fat Girl Makeover 20

"Mom is happy, and I am happy too."

Fang Ruixi actually didn't know much. Just now, his father and grandma were like that, and he was also scared. He thought something was going to happen again.

But after separating from them in a blink of an eye, my mother smiled like a flower again, and everything became different again.

"Let's go!"

Xin Qingming took his hand again and walked towards the stall.

There was a smile at the corner of Xin Qingming's mouth, and the expression in his eyes also had a certainty.

Next, she can take care of the Fang family's mother and son.

On the other hand, you can immediately make a fortune with your children.

After returning to the store, Xin Qingming still used the method of throwing goods to sell the things in the store.

In itself, the original owner’s vision was very good, and the clothes he took back were very good in itself.

The price is compared with those of the shopkeepers who are preparing to sell on sale during the same period. This kind of price is already too good.

Just like this for a few days, Xin Qingming closed the door and took Fang Ruixi back to prepare for the new year.

It is already the twenty-sixth of the twelfth lunar month, and it is not a few days before New Year's Eve.

Xin Qingming took Fang Ruixi to the supermarket and bought a lot of things.

She pushed the trolley and stood in front of the supermarket with Fang Ruixi.

"Do you want me to take you back!"

I just left to go shopping and I was ready to go back, and I happened to see Xin Qingming at the opposite door.

The two met in the elevator again and again, but Xin Qingming basically ignored him, which made Xiang Left very helpless.

"Mom, let's go back with uncle!!!"

Fang Ruixi asked Xin Qingming.

Looking at Fang Ruixi's face, Xin Qingming was already flushed with cold, and he couldn't bear it.

Secretly decided that after the new year, Fang Ruixi must have a good life.

"Then trouble you!"

In fact, Xin Qingming has lost some weight in this period of time.


Get out of the cart to the left and help her put the contents of the cart in the trunk.

Xin Qingming and Fang Ruixi also got in the car.

"Thank you uncle!"

Fang Ruixi waited to get into the car to the left, and smiled to the left, thanking him.

"No need to."

He waved his hand to the left and glanced at Xin Qingming in the rearview mirror.

This woman is really amazing. Every time I see her, she will give people a different feeling.

It's different every time.

It's really peculiar.

It feels weird to move to the left anyway.

Along the way, Fang Ruixi had been chatting with Xiang Zuo.

Xiang left and chatted with him very happily,

Only Xin Qingming looked inexplicable, when did Fang Ruixi talk like this.

"There is that plane in my house, you will go to my house to play afterwards!"

Said with a smile to the left.

It is said that children are the most innocent, and their speeches are so cute.

"Okay, to thank you, you can come to my house for dinner tonight!"

Fang Ruixi also invited like a little adult.

"Call me to eat, don't you ask for your-mother's consent?"

Xiang Zuo felt very funny. The look his mother looked at him was never friendly. He also invited himself to their house. Is it really okay?

"Mom, do you agree?"

Sure enough, at this time, Fang Ruixi thought of seeking her mother's consent.

"Of course I agree!"

Xin Qingming nodded with a smile.

Looking to the left through the rearview mirror, looking at Xin Qingming's smile, there is always some insincerity.