Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4257: Fat Girl Makeover 38

But neither of them are so comfortable two people.

The cult that Fang's mother joined has begun to confuse people again.

Fang Mu also handed over some of the money in her hands uncontrollably.

Fang Kexin saw that the money in the family was gone, and he yelled at Fang's mother.

Fang's mother felt that her thoughts were correct. On the contrary, the other party could be a son like Xin. She felt that he was very useless.

After the two had a big quarrel, Ke Xin ran away from home in anger.

Fang Kexin was penniless, and found a rich and married man in his WeChat group of friends.

The two made an appointment with a mask.

Fang Kexin happily attended the appointment.

Looking at their chat records, Xin Qingming had an idea, he still used the detective to help find the woman's man.

I hope this man can be a little bit stronger, so he can hang and beat him to make him new.

I called the detective agency and gave some more money, and the detective agency began to do business.

It was originally just a few small people, and it was quickly found out.

Xin Qingming asked the people in the detective agency to pass those chat records directly to the woman's husband.

Then waited for news.

Twenty minutes later, I received a call from the detective agency, saying that the woman's husband went directly to the hotel.

Because of the great power of the detective agency, when sending those chat records before, he directly gave him the address of the hotel.

The woman's husband went straight to the hotel.

Just hit Fang Kexin directly and vomit blood.

The woman was also beaten half to death, and the two were thrown here.

When the employees in the hotel encountered this kind of incident, they immediately took a video and uploaded it to the evening. This incident was also rendered out.

When Xin Qingming found out about this, he found some other gangsters, who lay in ambush on the way back to Fang Kexin and gave them a beating.

He was directly fractured, and he was dying and fell to the ground unconscious.

At night, there were few people passing by on this road here. Finally, Kexin woke up again, made a phone call, and the hospital ambulance drove him directly to the hospital.

Fang's mother went out to pray. When the hospital called to find her, Fang's mother naturally didn't have the time to go.

Fang Kexin doesn't have much money anymore. Without money, the hospital won't treat him.

Finally, Fang Kexin thought for a while and dialed Xin Qingming again.

When Xin Qingming received the call, he was watching TV with Fang Ruixi.

Looking at the phone above, the corner of her mouth was slightly aroused.


"Qingming, I have something wrong now, can you come to the hospital to see me!?"

Fang Kexin asked, earnestly speaking, completely forgetting how he had treated Xin Qingming before.

Xin Qingming felt a sneer in his heart.

Such people are really shameless.

"can not!!"

After finishing speaking concisely, Xin Qingming hung up the phone and shut it down.

After Fang Kexin was rejected like this, the whole person was dumbfounded. He also knew that he had tossed out those things with Xin Qingming before, and Xin Qingming would definitely not take care of him.

But she didn't expect that she would reject herself so straightforwardly.

Sure enough, after a woman changed her heart, she became cold and ruthless. Before that, she was not like this.