Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4258: Fat Girl Makeover 39

Fang Kexin’s pain was really out of control. He found a few women on WeChat and collected some money together to pay for the medical expenses.

Because of a broken rib, he was hospitalized.

Fang's mother never used it, until Fang Kexin was about to be discharged from the hospital, which was long overdue.

"What are you tossing about? It's all like this, and you have to make trouble!?"

Fang's mother frowned for a while, now they are incomparable to before.

He was still messing up.

"Where have you been, I died here, and you are not here."

In Fang Kexin's heart, there was still a bit of resentment towards Fang's mother. It was obvious that she could have so much money, but she didn't keep it well, so she donated it all to let her son live so hard.

"I'm outside, so naturally I do more important things."

Fang's mother grinned her neck and said, especially when her son said so, Fang's expression naturally became ugly.

"Is the important thing more important than me?"

Fang Kexin roared out angrily.

Since when, everything began to change.

Everything he had before is gone. To be honest, he couldn't accept it until now. He has fallen from the clouds into the dirt.

"It's more important than you!!"

Fang's mother was very angry when she heard Fang Kexin's insulting things she had done.

This **** bastard, do you know what he's talking about?

"Well, it's more important than me, then you can do those things! Don't come to me in the future."

Fang Kexin yelled at Fang's mother angrily.

"Okay, then I will leave!!"

Fang's mother was in a bad mood at first, but she was so upset by her own beliefs. Her mood was already very bad.

When Fang's mother said this, her eyes were fixed on Fang Kexin.


Fang Kexin snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

Fang Mu sneered, and left immediately without hesitation.

Fang Kexin saw that she had gone very decisively, and her expression could be cold, Fang's mother was already out of money.

She couldn't help him anymore, he didn't care at all.

Fang Kexin cleaned up himself and was about to be discharged from the hospital.

I just walked out of the hospital, the ribs were still a bit painful, and when I walked around, I still felt a lot of pain.

"Only new!"

As he walked, a person came to meet him.

Fang Kexin looked up and saw that he was still the husband of the woman who had stolen love with him that day.

"You beat me like this, what do you want!?"

Fang Kexin was terrified.

They have all been beaten like this.

He didn't want to, he couldn't go back.

It's terrible to think about it.

"My wife has divorced me, she said she wants to come to you! Ha ha, I am alone now, you can't think about getting better."

The man looked at Fang Kexin angrily.

Fang Kexin saw that he was not good, so he ran towards Ben in front of him.

It's really unlucky to meet such a mad dog.

Fang Kexin ran to the front, turned his head and looked at the back.

One inadvertently, when a car was turning, Fang Kexin was hit and flew all of a sudden.

The man who was chasing him also stopped and looked at Fang Kexin's body dumbfounded. Like a rag doll, he flew up and landed heavily on the ground again, his blood slumped to the ground.