Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4279: Peerless Doctor 14

"Do you really know how to make medicine?"

Fandai asked aloud.

In my house before, the lady actually knew everything, but every time she looked at it, she failed.

After all, it is a prostitute, and many people have begun to talk about it.

So in the end, Pu Qingming didn't do anything. If you say I won't, then I won't.

"I want to try it!"

Pu Qingming's eyes drooped, and her long eyelashes conceal the sharpness in her eyes.


Fandai nodded vigorously. It is really good that the lady is willing to do this now.

She is also happy for Miss.

Originally from a family of medicine, the young lady has learned so much since she was a child, and now she can apply what she has learned. If she is a little bit trivial, she will definitely hit people in the face.

Thinking of this, the smile on Fendai's face became brighter.

Pu Qingming waited until the wound on her body was completely healed, and put it on and went out.

On the border side, there is a simple general mansion, which is naturally incomparable with the one in the capital.

The people who work in the mansion are basically helpless people who have been rescued.

Of course, they are also very curious about Park Qingming. After all, such a general's wife, who has been in the border for half a year, is a lingering bed, and few people see his wife.

Now I see my wife, she is really beautiful, she looks like a nice person.


Pu Qingming took a walk all the way. It was strange that none of these people had seen her, but they would greet her the first time they saw her.

"Miss, you saw the way they looked at you!"

Fendai and You Rongyan, he said yes, their young lady is a peerless beauty, that is, Meimeimei.

Ha ha! ~

"Fandai, what are you always laughing at!?"

When Pu Qingming turned her head, she saw Fen Dai smiling, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Miss, didn't you say that you want to make medicine? The military doctor has a medicine store in our mansion. How about we go and see!?"

Fandai asked again.

In her heart, she couldn't wait, and hoped that Miss could get those soon.


Pu Qingming nodded, and looked at Fendai with a slight smile.

The master and servant walked towards Lu Mingyuan's house.

When he reached the door of the pharmacy, Park Qingming stopped.

The pharmacy in front of me was a thatched house with some herbs planted in front of the door, and some of them were actually in full bloom in this cold winter.

At this time, the sun was just right, and Lu Mingyuan was spreading the herbs he had dried on the bamboo strips.

The herbs were all dried, and only then did Lu Mingyuan see Park Qingming, who was standing behind him.

"When Madam came, I didn't even notice it."

Lu Mingyuan looked at Park Qingming with a smile.

"I have just been here for a while, and the military doctor is carefully waiting for the herbs."

Pu Qingming took the Fendai and walked two steps forward.

"Madam, come here today, do you want to see the herbal medicine."

Lu Mingyuan thought about what Park Qingming had said before, about making medicine.


Park Qingming nodded.


Lu Mingyuan pointed his finger at the thatched house behind him.

Park Qingming saw him standing upright, gentle and jade, handsome and extraordinary, even though he was just wearing a simple cloth, he did not hide his extraordinary handsomeness at all.