Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4280: Peerless Doctor 15

In the thatched house at the back, the snow-white medicinal flowers in full bloom on one side all made him look like a hermit.

Lu Mingyuan was walking in front of him, his robes accidentally brushed over the medicinal flowers on one side.

Pu Qingming and Fendai followed behind him together.

After entering the pharmacy, I saw the program inside. Park Qingming looked around here. There seemed to be no other programs in this room, only these medicine cabinets.

"On the barracks side, I can't put it down, the general just let me get one out here, madam, don't be surprised!"

Lu Mingyuan looked at Pu Qingming apologetically.

"These are all good things for the country and the people, so why don't you talk about it!?"

Park Qingming smiled.

"Then madam, just see for yourself if you have any herbs you need."

As Lu Mingyuan said, he stepped back to the other side.

After all, they are also going to use her secret recipe, and staying here and watching it is not the same thing.


Pu Qingming replied. He wiped his hand with the veil that he had received from Fendai's hand, then took a small box on the table and started looking for medicinal materials.

After only a while, she sorted out all these medicinal materials.

Lu Mingyuan, who was working on one side, accidentally glanced over. He didn't expect that the kind of scar-removing ointment that Park Qingming had to make was really found in his humble little pharmacy.

"Fandai, you go to my box, bring me two pearls, and bring me the empty jar of ten thousand balm."

Pu Qingming sorted out the herbal medicine in front of him, and then gave Fen Dai two orders.


Fendai responded and went down.

Pu Qingming lowered his head and began to make medicinal materials.

"Madam, do you need me to help you!"

Lu Mingyuan walked over from one side, he looked at Pu Qing's fingertips, and it seemed that he was not doing this kind of thing.


Park Qingming smiled and refused, "The military doctor is busy, so you can do what you should do."

Seeing that she refused so, Lu Mingyuan couldn't help saying anything.

Pu Qingming lowered his head, grind all these herbs, and put them into small paper bags.

This turned on the stove, took the small medicine pot, and put the herbs in it.

She came in order, and slowly boiled these medicinal materials into plasters.

At this time, Fendai came over.

"Miss, here you are!"

Fendai handed the two huge pearls to Park Qingming.

Park Qingming quickly made the two pearls into powder and sprinkled it in the small medicine pot.

The strong scent of medicine soon diffused.

Park Qingming stirred gently, and contained the pearl powder.

Then he stopped his hand.

Turn off the fire on the stove.

Using the remaining temperature of the fire, I slowly adjusted it. After waiting for a while, the little ointment in the pot was dug into a beautiful pot.

Lu Mingyuan could see from a distance that the ointment was green, but it was very different from the usual green ointment.

This kind of ointment has a little bit of crystal clear green light.

It seems to be very valuable. In fact, the medicinal materials of this herb are just very simple. At most, two pearls are slightly more expensive.

But if this herb really has the effect of removing scars, then its value is far more than the value of these two pearls.